61. Distancing and Waiting-

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Ravenclaw won this round of quidditch match against Gryffindor. Joel and his teammates held a party -- a secret -- behind the pitch after dinner. Only some few outsiders were invited here, their closed friends and lovers. Bonfire made it for their enjoyment and warmth of the cold night air. The captain sneaked in some bottles of firewhiskey and small glass shots. Teammates held up their first pour, clanking and cheering before downing it together.

They celebrated the seeker's ability that noon, of taking the golden snitch. Ravenclaw's anthem was sung and people made dumb jokes about things that didn't matter. Some of them, innapropriate, though they got away in secret. They were dancing and singing, forgetting everything, just for tonight.

Lizzy laughed at Terry's terrible joke, leaning her back on Joel's arm. Roger Davies played a song on his guitar while Fleur Delacour hugged him by the shoulder from behind, kissing his cheek every so often, listening to the people say unimportant things. Two members danced and drank, laughing and attempting to one up Terry's terrible joke, and the rest of them judged which ones were best.

Lizzy tried her first firewhiskey here. She cheered her glass with Joel, who had taken his third glass already. The first thing that came to mind was her first muggle whiskey that dad had left on the table when she was around 8 or 9.

Joel knew about it, seeing her shudder and scrunching up her face. 'You alright? Too hard?'

'Not as strong as I thought, but...'

'No pressure if you don't like it, I'll cover for you.'

'No, I like it though,' she said in a smile, seeing her lover happy for her, she gifted him with a peck on the lips.

Michael was here. He and Cho Chang started singing, with Roger's guitar play. Others started dancing, watching the stars, drinking more and feeling themselves become birds.

As the night went on, some of them started snogging for fun. Roger Davies and Fleur Delacour kissed each other with another boy from Beauxbatons. People went crazy at the sight.

'Oh, wow... R-roger Davies,' Lizzy said, seeing Roger Davies. 'Is he dating one of them or...'

'He said, no,' Joel said, clearing his throat, uncomfortably. 'There's someone else, not here, he's fancying.'


'It's complicated.'

Lizzy saw his evading expression and decided to fill another shot and Joel did too. They cheered glasses and downed it. She put down her glass, and still leaning on him, she glanced back at him, pulling him closer by the collar and kissing him. Joel was surprised, but pleased and he reciprocated her back. Some people around whistled and teased, but they ignored it, feeling each other and the drinks filled their body to heat.

'Let's go to the shack... Elizabeth Clark...' Joel whispered, holding back the urge for another kiss.' I want you... Away from all these lads.'

He backed her up to a wall of a shack, in the dark, away from the crowd. Maybe it was himself or the fourth shot of firewhiskey, but he thought she felt too good to be true. Something stirred in him and he started venturing. He found himself squeezing two soft members of her front, as he kept kissing her. Hands found and fondled, and Lizzy was slithering her hands on his body, inviting him to pin her closer to the wall. He sighed heavily -- heavenly, having her all for himself.

'Joel...' Lizzy whispered under her breath.

He slid down to her hips, then to her back, embracing her, kissing her neck and she moaned. 'Shit... did you...' Joel sounded in a restless whisper. He kissed her more there, finding out a sound was made out of her mouth if he did it. He groaned, feeling himself more excited, listening to her beautiful sound. He was feeling himself on her body. Something stiff was growing, something that he usually put away in the toilet, to flush it gone so quickly.

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