68. Think About It-

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Umbridge managed the entire class speechless They were given a book. A book made by the Ministry. She expected them to learn each chapter per week by summarizing them only. There was zero practical practice.

Ernie Macmillan raised his hand.

'Yes,' said Umbridge in high pitched delight. 'And what is your name?'

'Ernest Macmillan, madam.'

'Mr Macmillan, what is your question?'

'Is there no hands-on pract---'

'No, Mr Macmillan. There won't be any from now on,' said Umbridge in automatic. 'Once again, I may remind you, we are here to learn about magic, in a secure and delightful way.'

Joel exchanged a glance with Terry. They knew, they would practically learn almost nothing in this class. Theory was alright, but they would prefer to learn how to use them as well.


Same goes in Lizzy's class of Defense Against the Dark Arts. All the students got a copy of books from the Ministry. They weren't going to practice their wands at all.

Each students had a turn to read aloud some sentences. Until the class had finished, they packed their stuff and exit the class quickly. They headed to next class. Divination.

'She's mental,' said Carl. 'We're not practicing? Ever?'

'We'll only be reading until we explode,' complained Markus.

'Maybe it's a good thing?' Lizzy said. 'No one's going to get hurt this way as often as we used to. We're learning safely. I won't get my hand burned or your finger chopped off.'

'You think you can master magic without real practice?' Markus asked in irritation.

'Perhaps... At least we know things.'

'Knowing things doesn't mean we know how to do it,' said Markus.

'Yeah,' Carl added.

Markus continued, 'We might need it, you know, Lizzy, we all know You-Know-Who is--'

'Shush,' Sandra said quickly.

'You guys know something?' asked Carl.

'There's nothing to worry about,' said Sandra. She spotted Harry Potter in the distance. 'We have Potter. He can stop him.'

They looked at Harry Potter who was walking onto the other direction, along with Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. Some people were staring at the boy in circular spectacle. The chosen one.


Days passed by, Umbridge was getting more and more irritated. She was slowly taking over Hogwarts and no one was stopping her. No one. No teachers. No student activists. No Professor Dumbledore.

The woman was running this whole school, taking out decree rules like a clean flow of river. The irritating fact was that she technically owned it, as she was working for the Ministry. She could change rules, add rules, and decrease rules by her will and reasoning. The Ministry accepted anything she wanted to change. Umbridge had caught Lizzy kissing Joel in a corner of a castle. Seconds later, they were ten feet apart, by her spell.

'No public affections allowed, please. Detention this evening in my office, you two,' She said, putting back her wand in sleeve. She didn't bother to look at them as she walked away.

'Detention?' Joel said in disbelief , walking over to Lizzy.

'She's getting more annoying, day by day,' Lizzy admitted.

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