37. Flurry-

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'I really need to buy an owl, it'll help me write to my mum so much easier, I think,' said Joel on a Sunday evening in the common room.

'Then go, go to Diagon Alley after King's Cross. There's loads of pet shops there. Lots of owl choices,' said Terry.

'Oh Joel! Write me your first letter when you get one, will you?' said Sue, giddily.

'Of course I will, I, will. I'll send to all you sorry lot as well!' Joel finger gunned at his friends one by one.

'Don't forget to feed the bird,' joked Anthony.

Hogwarts train made its way back to King's Cross Station. Joel kept his eyes peeled out of the window, hoping to see his parents. He had got a letter from mum months ago, that dad was home. So this made things a lot more special. Sue slept half the journey, head leanimg on his shoulder.

'We're here,' Joel said. He nudged Sue to wake up, then calling out the others.

They got their luggage down from the shelves, then got into a queue on the walkway with everyone else, marching out of the train.


'See ya!'

'See you on January!'

'Can't wait for Christmas!'


Joel looked around. He was excited to see his dad again. He focused on the crowd, hoping to see him. There, his parents were looking around from boy to boy. He walked up to them and they brightened.

'Joel!' mum welcomed. 'Oh my god look at you! Who's this handsome boy? Oh my goodness!' Mum cupped his cheeks, more as a squish and kissed him on the forehead.

'Hey, Little Joe, wait, no, it's big Joe, now!' said his dad. 'I think in two years, you'll be as tall as me!'

Joel laughed. 'I hope so!'

'Ready to go?' asked mum.

'Can we stop at Diagon Alley? I need to buy an owl.'

Mum's eyes were shining. Dad added high curiosity. They headed through a wall and entered the muggle version of the station. It was odd that he wasn't walking with Lizzy and her mum. But he didn't expect it anyway. In fact, he hoped not to bump into them anytime soon. Yet he asked, anyway, 'Lizzy and her mum left already?'

'No, did Lizzy forgot to tell you? Lizzy's not coming home for the holidays,' mum said.

Joel didn't know about that at all. He had to stop for a second, trying to remember if she mentioned it in anyway. But these past months, all he did was avoiding her.

'I'm sure Lizzy has told you about the divorce...'

'Y-yes...' Joel remembered that part, and remembering how Lizzy was expecting to talk to him in the hallway, something about her family. The disappointment in Lizzy's face when he rejected her was unforgettable.

'It must be about that. She prefers to stay.'

They left the station. They continued on a pavement to a pub called the Leaky Cauldron.

'The divorce might be hitting Lizzy a bit hard, honestly,' mum said.

Joel felt guilty now, hearing it from mum.

'Poor girl...' dad added. 'It's always tough for the kids.'

'She even has to attend the trial,' mum said.

'Oh? How old is she?'

'Twelve, why?'

'Wait, but only thirteen and older has to attend.'

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