87. Once More-

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Joel fought that one Death Eater. Lizzy saw another one coming. She knew he was too busy fighting that one Death Eater to notice the other one. So she stayed and face the other Death Eater coming from the right. She didn't know how she would face this. She might at least stall it out until Joel came back.

The Death Eater stopped at a good distance. She muttered a slashing spell. But it was blocked easily. Knowing Lizzy wasn't aggressive or skilled, the Death Eater started running towards her and shot spells.

Lizzy dodged the spells and ran. Spells hit the grounds and boulders. 'Shoot!' she muttered, as a stray spell almost hit her hand but missed. She hid behind a big boulder and shot spells everytime she was able.

'Come out! I'll make it quick and painless!' said the Death Eater mockingly.

She casted a spell once more, a disarming spell. The wand slipped out of the Death Eater's hand. She summoned it and it was now in her posession. The Death Eater, furious, yet unafraid, ran to catch her.

She started running. In a good distance, she finally landed him a spell. The Death Eater was stunned by the chest and fell. She pointed her wand at them. She should try to kill, but she couldn't do it. She didn't have the will. She opted to bind them tightly with a spell. And moved them aside near a boulder, where no one would find the body. It was done and now she wanted to get back to Joel. She looked around... Where is he? She watched people fight. Some were dead and it horrified her to realize it. She had to find him quickly.

'Joel?' she called out.

The boy was surrounded by three Death Eaters and one shot him from behind.

'Joel! No!' She ran to him, to see if he was alright, to see if he was still alive. But someone shot a spell on her. It hit her back. She thought she was a goner and fell forward to the cobblestone, but not until that one person spoke.

'I'm sorry,' Carl said. He helped her up, though she couldn't move her legs.

'Carl? W-what?'

'I'm with Liam, Daisy, and Finn. We have to hide,' Carl replied.

Liam helped to move Lizzy away from the courtyard. 'I'm sorry.'

'Wait! Joel! He's over there! We need to help him!' Lizzy shouted. She couldn't move her legs, she tried wruggling and thrashing, trying to get to him, but Carl anf Liam were determined to bring her away, far away from Joel's limp body.

'Too many Death Eaters in here, Lizzy,' Liam said. 'They're swarming the courtyard, we have to get somewhere safe.'

'No!' Lizzy cried. 'Let go of me! I need to stay with him! He needs me! I'm not leaving! I promised Joel I'll stay with him!'

Liam and Carl dragged her into the hallway. Daisy and Finn joined and cleared a path off of creatures. They entered an empty classroom. Finn closed the door and locked it with a lot of spells to make sure no one would attempt to get here.

Lizzy cried devastatingly. She didn't want to be here. She wanted to be there. 'Joel! Please! Let me go to him! Help him! Carl!'

Carl put her down on a chair by a desk, ignoring her plea and overflowing cry running down her cheeks. 'I'm sorry,' he only said. He went away to talk to Liam.

The image of Joel's fall replayed again and again. 'Joel... Oh god,' she weeped.

Finn made sure no one could enter this room, as he had enchanted it to be invisible for everyone else. No one else would see the door.

The group looked pale as a ghost. Their wands were held in case someone or something was coming. Carl had Lizzy's wand, just in case she tried something to get out of here mindlessly.

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