62. Tragedy-

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The third task of Triwizard Tournament was today. Everyone wished that their favorite champion would win. Lots of faces and scarves emblazoned of the champion's house they supported, like how they would on quidditch games.

'I think Harry will win! He's been amazing in the last two of'em!' said Terry, walking along with his mates.

'Cedric! Cedric! Cedric! Cedric!' Show' em! Show'em! Cedric! Cedric! Cedric!' someone kept chanting on top of their lungs for Cedric Diggory, running pass the Ravenclaw's fourth year.

Joel and his mates supported Gryffindor this time. He had Gryffindor accesories to support Harry Potter. They headed outside. The third task was located near Hagrid's cabin and the Forbidden Forest. The wide grassy area was transformed into a giant hedged maze. Near the starting entrance, tall bleachers was erected for people to watch. Family of champions were here. Some of them had arrived and sat down, waiting, anticipating and hoping.

'Let's sit with the Gryffindors!' said Sue, merrily. The group headed up to meet the fourth year Gryffindors. 'Hi!' said Sue, followed by the others.

The Gryffindors were proud to see the Ravenclaws supporting them. They saw them wear Gryffindor. Hugs were welcomed all around.

'Traitors!' Shouted Terry at his fellow Ravenclaws who were in their fifth and sixth year, as they were wearing Hufflepuff. 'They keep saying Harry's the best... and now look at them.'

'Ah well,' Joel replied.


There were so many people here.

'Where do we sit?' asked Yvonne.

The closest empty parts of seats were in front of the marching band.

'Absolutely not with the marching bad,' said Yvonne. 'Unless you want to kill your eardrums, then be my guest, no thank you.'

They climbed up and found enough empty seats on the top.

'We can see the top of the maze!' said Yoko.

'Slightly,' said Markus.

The band started playing. Everyone stood up and roared. The champions had arrived. Whistles and cheers were exchanged in the crowd. Names of their champions were uttered on repeat.

'This' so exciting!' said Lizzy to her friends.

The hubbub died down with Dumbledore's opening speech. Some welcoming and rule explanation later, the champions took a running start position. They faced the open entrance to the maze.

'Get ready my champions!' said Dumbledore. 'On your mark... Get set...'

A shot of blast from Dumbledore's wand flew in the air. The champions ran.

The hedges moved and closed the entrance shut.

Marching bands performed, while the crowd were chanting their champion's name.

People sung and everything, until they calmed down themselves naturally. they could hear blasts and cracks. The source was somewhere inside the maze. No one knew what was happening in there.

'Wonder what they're facing...' said Lizzy.

'Monsters, right? Beasts?' suggested Sandra.

'Maybe the hedges alone?' said Markus. 'The entrance close on its own... maybe they blast holes or burn them up to pass through.'

'Maybe,' said Lizzy.

A red beam shot up to the sky. It sparked like a single firework. Everyone saw it.

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