44. Quidditch World Cup-

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A knock was heard from the Cook's front door. Ever since mum was divorced, she reverted to her maiden name, Amber Cook. The Cook's home. Lizzy answered the knocking door in seconds.

'Lizzy!' greeted Sandra in a shout.

The two of them shrieked excitedly and hugged each other. It felt ethereal and bombshelling to have a witch friend coming over in such a muggle fashion. Sandra was wearing muggle clothing. As Lizzy backed away, she couldn't stop staring. A bit startling to see, then she saw her parents behind, wearing a bit of a 1945 fashion of muggle. They looked a bit behind the times, but they looked marvelous.

Lizzy greeted them and let them in. The Flints were greeted by mum in the hallway. The adults went to talk in the living room, while Lizzy and Sandra stayed back.

'You got your luggage ready, right?' asked Sandra excitedly.

'Of course! I have packed ten days worth of clothes with me, hopefully that'll do... right?'

'That'll do alright!' Sandra looked around. 'Your house is so cool and so modern, so different to mine. We have cobwebs and old candles and creppy old paintings. Oh wow, muggle television!' Sandra checked it closely.

'Come see my room, San!' said Lizzy. Sandra was sparkling, following her upstairs.

'It's smaller than I thought,' she said, walking up the stairs. 'It looks bigger from the outside--Sorry if I'm being rude, it's just--'

'No, not at all. Probably cause this house is a duplex. Half of the house is Joel's family home.'

'Oh right, Joel Lisbon! Is he here right now? It's still so weird to me, even now, that you two are neighbours. I keep forgetting.'

'He's already leaving at dawn. He travels by a portkey with his teammates and coach... He didn't tell me what a portkey is, though. He's too excited to think of telling me.' She laughed at herself. 'I wish you could see him yesterday. He's hilarious.'

'Oh, a portkey, lots of people can travel with that. Like apparition for groups.' The two entered Lizzy's bedroom. 'Woah, your room is so cute! There's dolls! So many dolls and animal plushies!' Sandra went over to check them out. 'About that portkey, that's one way to go anywhere. You must register to the ministry for that. And there's a fee. They'll tell you what  portkey it will be and where they placed it. Like... this bunny---'

'Mr. Wrinkle?'

'Mr. Wrinkle. He looks ordinary, but the Ministry can use it as a portkey. When you touch a portkey, later on you'll be travelling to your destination.'

'Sounds complicated.'

'Nope, once you try one. It's so convenient for group travelling.'

'Are we going on a portkey?'

'We're side-apparating today.'


'Side-apparating. Side-apparition. Adult wizards-witches can apparate. You know, you must know what apparition means, don't you?'

'Oh, I've heard that.'

'You'll just have to touch someone and you'll travel along.'

'Like a portkey then.'

'No, apparition is our ability.'

'Okay, so-like a bit unlike a portkey...'

'It'll make you a bit nauseous for the first time, but it'll wear off quickly. Are your ready to go? I am sooo excited.' She asked eagerly, throwing around Mr Wrinkle like a handball.

'Ready.' Lizzy got ahold of her luggage.

Lizzy and Sandra met with the adults in the living room, who were talking and having cups of tea.

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