73. Privilege-

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'Ready to go?' Lizzy asked as she entered Joel's room.

Joel was still fixated on using the wizarding radio. He was still in pyjamas, sitting crossed legs on the bed. It was insulting Lizzy's ego, seeing Joel obsessing over that little thing. He was supposed to get ready for the date right now.

Lizzy had dolled up. She was wearing short dungerees over a white t-shirt. Her brown hair tied up into a ponytail. Her shoulder bag clung on her left arm, it was coloured black with little strawberry patterns.

Joel smiled seeing her. He wavered for a second. Noticing her better get up, he mentally slapped himself. He should get ready. He turned off the radio, resting it aside on the bedside table. 'Yeah, I'll just change and collect some stuff.'

Lizzy rolled her eyes, annoyed that he hadn't even started earlier, but she was still smirking. While Joel opened his closet and got jeans, Lizzy back-flopped on the bed, looking at the ceiling. Then she heard rustling, looking to the side, finding Joel pulling down his shorts.

While Joel was putting up the jeans, he glanced at her. He smirked.

'What?' Lizzy asked as she played with the ends of her hair.

He blushed while he got his wallet, phone, and wand. Seeing her on the bed unbothered by him changing in front of her, made all kinds of fuzzy feeling.

'I'm bringing my wand too,' Lizzy said. 'I want to feel safe, even if I can't use it.'

He couldn't help himself and went crawling up the bed to kiss her lips, making her laugh, holding her down by the hip and hand. 'You smell so good...' he said, nuzzling behind her ear, kissing there.

'Okay, okay, okay. Let's go already,' she said, pushing him gently.

All the way to the bus station, Joel wrapped his arm around her. And Lizzy scooted close, skipping on her steps. Their hands intertwinded by Lizzy's shoulder. For a bit, Joel let her pry his hand away playfully. He'd come back to squeeze her, continuously as Lizzy kept laughing and prying it away. That ended up with him bear hugging her and dragging her silly to the bus stop. Lizzy was the loudest as she got dragged, possibbly her laughter was heard in three streets in radius.

'Oh god,' Joel spoke, sitting in the bus. His hands on face. 'So that time when you talked to me about Sandra, you wamted to ask me to go swimming? God, I am an idiot.'

Lizzy laughed next to him before cozily leaning on his front. Joel adjusted to make her more comfortable, playing with her fingers. They made it to the restaurant. After that, they went walking to the city centre, walking and seeing things. Until the sun was gone, they headed home.

'I had fun,' Lizzy told him before kissing his cheek.

Joel couldn't resist the love. He playfully pulled her and kissed her in a tight embrace. She laughed between the kisses, teasing him, taking her own face away. But instead, the kisses detoured to her neck. Joel knew she liked neck kisses. That made Lizzy spasm, tiptoeing up. Joel laughed. He was proud he could make her feel things.


It was odd to see the new first year students taking the self-pulled carriage for their first arrival That had never happened before. Their eyes glimmered everywhere, looking everywhere and utterly overwhelmed.

As everyone made it to the castle, things seemed to stay normal. The Great Hall looked the same. Candles float above their heads. Long tables had silverwares ready for the feast. Yet the atmosphere was different.

'Something feels out of place. It's like Cedric's death all over again. I don't know why,' said Lizzy uncomfortably, walking into the Great Hall. She and Joel stopped between the hufflepuff and ravenclaw table. 'Something doesn't... Don't you feel it too, Joel?'

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