60. Inferius-

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Since Sandra started wearing the necklace, she was brave enough to stand against Astoria and the other Pureblood Slytherins.

She refused Astoria's invitation to sit together in class or lunch. She also stopped doing Professor Moody's extra assignments.

'But, you're a very talented student, Ms Flint. It'll be a waste of talent if you don't keep learning,' Professor Moody tried to argue one day after class.

'I know, Professor, but I think I can manage with regular defensive spells just fine,' Sandra said. She didn't want to indulge in the dark arts for this benefit any longer.

The Slytherins were displeased. They tried to be nicer, caring, and even started treating Lizzy far nicer than before, but those fakeness didn't penetrate into her skukk anymore. She burned all of Astoria's notes and refused it completely when Astoria tried to hand her some new ones. She wanted nothing more but to be around her real friends. Her new actions made the Slytherin Purebloods angry.

'Ew, blood traitor passing me,' said Coral. Her mates laughed.

'Mind your own,' said Markus defensively at the Slytherins. He saw them frown and continued away. He held Sandra's shoulder. 'Don't listen to them.'

'Thanks, Mark.'

'They can't hurt you,' Lizzy added.

The Slytherins changed drastically, especially Astoria. She showed her true colours. Now her goal was to bully Sandra into submission, but the Flint was never alone to face her.

'Sandra Flint,' said Draco Malfoy one morning, leaning on a wall in the hallway, with Crabbe and Goyle. 'I hear your mum's in trial today. She's in big trouble, huh.'

Sandra halted to stare at him. 'What are you talking about?'

Malfoy smirked. 'You don't know?'

'Let's go San,' Markus said and pulled his cousin away. 'Don't listen to him.'

But Sandra caught that as a bad omen. It might be true. She found out that it was true, days later after she asked it on an owl letter to her father. Mum worked as the Head of Department of Regulation and Control for Magical Creatures. She was accused of monetary corruption.

'My mother's in trouble...' she confessed to her mates as she hid from people at an empty balcony. 'It's my fault... I provoke the Slytherins. They're getting on her.'

Markus spoke, 'No, they're trying to get in your head. Don't dare yourself to think like that, your mother's not weak. She can handle a little bit of a fight.'

'Yeah,' Carl said.

'She doesn't tell you, cause she knows you'll worry about her like this right now,' Markus said.

'Markus is right,' Lizzy said. 'You have to let your mum handle this.'

Sandra wasn't convinced of their words. She remembered New Year's Eve at the Malfoy Manor. Her parents obeyed the other Purebloods so weakly. They didn't speak up unless being asked to. And all they did was agreeing to the Malfoys, the Greengrasses, the Rosiers, the Bulstrodes, and other pro pureblood families there.

'You should see how they act everytime Lucius Malfoy is in the room,' said Sandra. "He's like their boss. No one speaks against him.'

Markus spoke, 'What are you doing there anyway? Why do they want, specifically,you, who they see as just a kid to be there?'

'...To be friends with Astoria and the others, mostly...'

'That's it?'

'I don't know... mother keeps reminding me to behave yourself, don't argue with anyone. It's kinda hard when most of them are rotten eggs, you know. The adults keep looking at me... probably trying to bust me having a row with their kids or something.'

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