14. Owlery and Quidditch Watch-

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Andika Harrison was a bit of a weird egg. Harmless, yeah, weird yeah. If he talked, he would say 'bezoar!' He would also carry around real bezoars in his pockets. But other than that, he's nice.

Michael Corner was the first mate he had met in Hogwarts Express, along with Padma Patil. He was glad to have a friendly face in the dorm already. Though Michael was too reserved for Joel's comfort. Michael prefered to read books, anywhere possible. You would find him in his room, in the common room, in the library (of course), or in the great hall, just reading any books. It was hard to have a long conversation with his nose stuck on the pages.

Padma Patil. The only time he actually talked to her was that first meeting in the train. That was weeks ago. He had only talked to her if he had to do school work. Padma was closer to the girls of ravenclaw.

Terry Boot was the most okay guy in Joel's book. Maybe it was because he seemed to be the most familiar character Joel had known. Terry slightly resembled Bobby. Terry could take jokes, even offensive ones, and play around to ease out boredom. Other than his cheeky personality, he was very skillful with magic. He was a descendant of many long line of magical family, though he was a halfblood. But magic had always been around all his life, something Joel was jealous about. Terry told him that he was connected to Isolt Sayre, a once pureblood family, related to the Gaunt family, a descendant of Slytherin. Joel was shocked to hear that. But then Terry cut him off -- to tell him that it was a joke. Terry was actually related to Isolt's adoptive son. So he wasn't related by blood. By that story, Joel learned there were other magical schools other than Hogwarts. Isolt and his husband built Ilvermorny in America. Then Joel learned about Beauxbatons in France and Durmstrang in... somewhere on the Northern Europe, quite a secret, Joel supposed.

Anthony Goldstein. That blond haired boy. Joel didn't want to admit that he himself was quite jealous of him. The girls in his year would talk about how cute he looked, fancying him for being such a polite boy to be. A rule abiding kid who would always follow rules as much as possible. Anthony was also from a long line of wizards and witches like Terry Boot. Nothing more to say. A perfect wizarding boy.

Joel did not know much about the rest of the girls in his year. Mandy Brocklehurst, Lisa Turpin, Sue Li, and Isobel MacDougal. Somehow it felt nervewrecking to talk to them. The girls talked a lot and Joel didn't know how to add to their conversations. So, he'd get quiet, almost as quiet as Cole.


It was Sunday morning after breakfast. Joel took parchments, two envelopes, a quill, and an ink bottle. And he sat by a study corner in the Ravenclaw's common room, writing a letter for Lizzy.

Dear Lizzy,

Sorry I haven't written back. I'm glad I got your letter last week.

We've got this weird magical creatures. Some of them are gross but some of them are alright. I know you'll like unicorns. Yeah, it's real!

Also, we're allowed to bring pets here. I think I'll buy an owl for my second year. It'll help me send letters much easier than borrowing the school's old owls.

Did you know there're many Wizarding Village and towns? I just learned some from Terry Boot. Terry's a good friend of mine in my house. I'll introduce you to him when you're here. Anyway, there's one village I know near Hogwarts. It's called Hogsmeade. But you can only visit when you're in your third year. And it needs parental permission. It's going to be a long talk with mum.

I'll be going to the quidditch pitch when I send this letter to you. I'm trying to make the captain to notice me. I really, really, want to get into the team. I'm not Harry Potter, but I will try.

So, last time you told me your dad and mum are fine? That's great then! So that means your mum and dad are in the same house again? How's Bobby and Cole? Are they still mad at me? I still want to be mates... but if they don't, I get it. How's Beebo? I miss her. Send me a photo of her, will you?


Joel smiled reading it all. He really wanted Lizzy to see all these wonderful things at Hogwarts. She would be happy here as there was so many interesting people and so many new things to discover.

He fold it up and put it in an envelope. It sealed itself. Then he wrote another for his mum.

Dear mum,

Thanks so much for the muffins! I love them. The owls brought it in for me and dropped it at breakfast. Though the muffins got mushed a bit, but it's alright. Some of my friends enjoyed it too! Haha!

I'm so happy here, mum. There's lots of people from different places.

Mum, I've been wondering... it's been awhile since we saw dad. When's dad coming home? Is he going to pick me up at the station too? I'm going home a day before Christmas. But you already know that. Write to me.


He went to his room to put the self ink quill and remaining parchments back. Michael and Andika were in the room, talking about transfiguration homework. He talked a bit before he went out to the owlery. He found an available school owl. One old and a bit wrinkly, but alive owl perched on a beam and swooped right on a percher by the balcony. He gave two of the letters to it. "Give this to Claire Lisbon or Elizabeth Clark. Either of them is fine.'

The owl clipped it on it's beak and flew away.

'Joel? You're here too?' asked a girl's voice.

Joel turned around and found Sue Li. A very feminine pretty girl that he'd definitely won't dare try to talk just to save an embarassment. His face grew warm just seeing her smile on seeing him here.

'O-oh yeah! It's just for my friend and my mum,' said Joel. 'Wh-what about you?'

'My parents and older sister, actually!'

'Oh, okay, uh, well I'll... I'll be going now. Bye. To the quidditch pitch. Bye. Sue.'

'Bye!' she said happily.

Joel rushed out of the owlery, cringing his awkward self just because she was a girl. He went to the quidditch pitch to watch the practice. There were some people there. A chaser and a keeper were about to finish school next year, there would be an open position for new players. Ravenclaw kids in this stadium, had the same motivation as Joel had, to get the captain's attention.

The players zoomed fast with their broomsticks, creating gushes of wind at the spectators. They drifted so easily, holding onto their brooms like it was nothing. The bludgers flew on anyone. The chasers got quaffles and passed it around. The keeper secured their post to catch the quaffle. And the seeker player was unpredictable, chasing the golden snitch in higher altitude of air. It was hard to see the snitch. When the seeker saw it, they dashed up.

Joel was meaning to talk to the captain when the game was over, but two of third year kids had the same idea in mind. He tried to speak and pushed them aside, but he had no chance to get them to step aside. He got elbowed instead.

He stood there being antsy, seeing the captain talked to them so enthusiastically, yet ignoring a short little kid like himself. But watching the game really sparked more interest than discouragement on his part. He didn't want to back down just because he was eleven and short. He wanted to know everything. He headed to the library. He read books, articles, and old newspapers; about national teams, histories, Hogwarts students who became professional quidditch players, world records, accidents, and rules. Joel was able to read them all in one day and finished it before dinner. Cause he, was no doubt, as a matter of factly, a ravenclaw. The talking hat made no mistake of putting him there.

He settled on being a fan of Wingbourne Wasps because of Ludo Bagman. This team had won many cups in national and international competitions. Joel was interested that a quidditch player like Bagman was able to become Head Department of Magical Games and Sports. Which somehow intruiged him immensely. He imagined himself to become as so.

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