47. Support Diggory-

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Joel was still unsure about Professor Moody's eccentric method. He didn't know if he benefited the knowledge of the dark arts. He had been practicing defense spells that the professor had been teaching lesser than the dark ones, more often alone.

Anthony, who was pro Moody, had slowly retracted his view. Joel caught him practicing defense spells in the bathroom.

'Look at you, pouring over a book from the library,' Joel mocked.

Anthony was deadlocked in place when he was caught. 'Not another word from you, Lisbon. Or I'll hex you.'

Joel took out his wand. 'Expelliarmus--'

'Protego!' chanted Anthony, motioning his wand. Joel couldn't hide the impression. That was a perfect stance. 'Not bad?' Anthony asked.

'Not bad? Horrendous, you can shield yourself from everything if you keep this up.'

'You're talking about protego maxima... but of course... not the unforgivable curses... especially not the killing curse...'

'There are variations to protection charm?'

'Yeah, but the book says, only rely maxima at best and when desperate... protego totalum is good for passive defenses... you never know.'

'I'll borrow that book when you're done,' Joel said flatly, before going away to the common room.

Terry, Michael, and even Andika were on board with this. They all started learning protective spells just for their own sake.


Hogwarts had officially announced that Harry Potter would continue as their fourth champion. Impossible. There was supposed to be only three, one candidate per school. But somehow the education board let this happen. Even Ludo Bagman was coming over to host the tournament himself.

This had put Harry Potter on the headline news of the Daily Prophet. The press thought this was the perfect time to let people know what he was capable of.

Though for the students, it wasn't as sensationally humouring. No one understood how his name was there. Why was he chosen despite his unqualified age requirement. Why did the board let him? Why was Dumbledore staying silent?

The hufflepuff in particular were less kind than they were originally famous for. It was pushed by the fact that they wanted Cedric Diggory to take the spotlight, to bring hufflepuff pride, not from Harry Potter the underage chosen one.

Lizzy arrived in the common room, one morning. The sixth and seventh year students were campaigning. 'Support Cedric!' 'Cedric our true champion!'

Lizzy agreed. It should have been Cedric Diggory. Only Cedric. It was fair and square.

'Morning Elizabeth!' greeted one of the sixth year campaigner. 'We really want to extend support for our dear Cedric. It's awful how undermined he is in this circumstances. Don't you think so? Here, in support of Diggory, you shoukd wear the pin to show solidarity.' The girl put the pin on Lizzy's robe, under her house badge. Before she could read what it said, Markus went over.

'Great of you supporting our house, Liz!' he said. He was wearing the pin too.

Yvonne came in as well, wearing the pin. 'Hufflepuff needs to stand up. We cannot let them do as they please. Not even from Harry Potter,' she said proudly, a surprising support fron Yvonne who wanted to be in Beauxbatons.

Lizzy saw Sandra put on a pin as well. Sandra went over to her. 'I'm starving!'

They went to the Great Hall and found that those Cedric Diggory campaign had extended to the other houses as well. Campaigners were putting pins on other students' robe. Slytherins were flocking to get one. Some ravenclaws. Some much lesser gryffindors.

'People are very involved in this event, huh,' said Lizzy. She didn't quite care. All she wanted was to get a piece of toast.

They sat down on their usual spot. Lizzy took breakfast very seriously.

'Heyya!' greeted Toby, sitting next to her. His arm around her shoulders.

Lizzy's friends paused, shooting glaring eyes at Toby of a sudden. Seeing him hugging Lizzy so casually without boundary, they were ready to attack.

'Toby?' Lizzy uttered in surprise.

Toby bit down the toast that Lizzy was holding. He munched it contentedly. 'How are you? I miss you.'

'Go away, Toby, we don't want you here,' Sandra said.

'So rude,' he said. 'I really like what's going on right now. Everyone's standing up for Cedric. The guy deserves a spot.'

'Yeah,' Lizzy said awkwardly, putting down the bitten toast. 'There shouldn't be fourth champion in the first place...'

The gang were unpleasant to have Toby's presence, but Toby ignored them. 'I miss hanging out with you all.'

'Why?' Sandra shot a question and a glare.

'Gale is a toxic mate. I realize that I feel inferior about Joel Lisbon because of him. I thought Joel has a thing for Lizzy. He's the one who shoves it down my throat. But now that I see it, you two don't have any attachment. So... hey.'

'Alright...' Lizzy said.

The others were unsure about Toby, but they let him sit there.

Toby tagged along to the first class. Then also to the second, Care for Magical Creatures. She and the others headed to the open field near the Forbidden Forest. From the distance, she could see the fourth year ravenclaw and hufflepuff were done and were heading back to the castle.

She noticed Joel coming. She widely smiled and Joel smiled back. But the closer Joel got, the more displeased he became. 'I didn't think you're the type to wear that pin too,' he commented.

'Of course, I'm supporting Cedric. There shouldn't be a fourth champion,' Lizzy argued, stopping to say it to him. She and Joel stood face to face, while the others kept pace to meet Hagrid.

Joel contemplated for a moment, fixated on the little circle. 'I never realize being a Hmhufflepuff means being mean to the others.'

'Sorry?' Lizzy spoke, offendedly.

'Support Diggory, Potter stinks?'


'Did you read your pin before putting it on?'

Lizzy checked her pin. The pin said "Support Diggory". But then it transitioned to "Potter Stinks". She surprised herself that she had overlooked it. Her face flushed out of embarassment.

'I didn't realize the pin was charmed... that's mean,' Lizzy said, taking the pin off. 'But I still don't know why they let Potter play. They shouldn't.'

Joel was weighing the thought. He moved his shoulders like it was a weight scale. 'I don't know what's going on too.' He smiled. Lizzy could stare all day. 'But glad you're not as mean as I thought.'

'Shush, I'm throwing this away later, bye.' She continued down the path. When she got to Sandra, she showed her the pin. 'Did you know, after your read support Diggory, it says Potter stinks.'

Sandra looked at it, and her face flushed. 'That's mean.'

'I know, right.'

Sandra took off the pin.

'Why are you taking it off?' asked Markus in protest.

'Cause, Markus,' Sandra started. 'This pin is spewing mockery. I'm supporting Diggory, but I don't want to insult anyone, even Potter.'

Markus checked his pin. After awhile, he took it off.

'I don't think you're supposed to take that off,' said Yvonne.

'It said Potter stinks. I'm not wearing it again,' said Markus.

'So are we,' said Lizzy. Followed by Sandra's sound agreement.

'I don't mind It. Hufflepuff is on the line,' said Yvonne, then went away to meet Yoko.

Markus looked at his pin and contemplated.

'No Markus,' said Sandra in irritation. Markus sighed, he decided to hide it in his pocket.

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