46. Triwizard-

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Things felt different once again. If Hogwarts had something new, Lizzy didn't anticipate it.

'Good evening, students. What a special feast we have here, today. You might know or not yet know, that we used to have tournaments between schools, sadly it had been discontinued on 1792. But alas! Today we will be holding it once more! This year, with two other schools, first, I give you, the wonderful high class wizarding elegant wizards and witches, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic,...'

The giant double door opened. Everyone's eyes darted to a marching of silky uniformed students behind a big lady. They exuded elegant fragrance as they strode pass long tables between the hufflepuff and ravenclaw table. People started freaking out over this unusual arrival.

'Beauxbatons?' Yvonne spoke. She was flustering over a school that she had wanted to be in.

Dumbledore greeted the big lady in curtsy. The woman was pleased. She was the headmaster. Beauxbatons students stood om the side of the room. Theyir composure was pure elegance, showcasing the girls and boys.

'Sandy,' Lizzy nudged. 'Who's that sitting at the defense chair? The man with a weird eye patch.'

'I don't--'

'Alastor Moody,' Markus interjected. 'A very skilled auror... But he retired years ago, I think. A legendary auror.'

'Why's he here? You don't mean saying he's the new teacher?' asked Carl.

'Maybe he is.'

'He looks like he doesn't want to be here,' said Lizzy.

Dumbledore continued, 'Last but not least, a very well known school for havin the most powerful wizards and witches of all time, the Durmstrang Institute!'

'No way! No way!' exclaimed Sandra and some other kids in the room.

Unlike Beauxbatons, the first to enter the room were the students. They looked tough and serious, military-like, walking in unison with their heads held high. They looked more like soldiers than students. And behind them was their headmaster, a man with a thick beard. Next to him was--

'Viktor Krum!' shouted a random student from the gryffindor table. No one could guess who shouted first, but after that, everyone were freaking out.

Sandra and Markus absolutely lost their marbles seeing Viktor Krum striding into the room.

'But... Viktor Krum is an international quidditch player. What's he doing here?' asked Carl.

'Oh golly, Carl... he's seventeen,' Sandra corrected. 'Of course he's still in school like all of us!'

The Durmstrang students stood on the other side across the Beauxbatons. Dumbledore greeted the man with the beard with a tight hug and kisses on cheeks. Dumbledore faced the roaring crowd until everyone calmed down. He began explaining mote on this Triwizard Tournament.

Students were keen to enter. Their eyes gleamed in hope and anticipation. They would like to compete against two of the best wizarding schools in the world. But their anticipation dwindled, when Dumbledore mentioned that only thos who were seventeen could join. Everyone protested. 'That's rubbish! That's rubbish!' shouted a Weasley twin on the gryffindor table.

Everyone didn't like it. Sandra, Markus, Sebastian, and Carl were yelling out protests as with the others.

'Silence!' yelled Dumbledore. It was rare to have him raise his voice. Everyone stopped. He continued. No one interjected, keeping the knowledge in thought.

The Beauxbatons and Durmstrang took seats on them empty benches. Most of Durmstrang students sat with the Slytherin, while Beauxbatons had more on Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff had the least amount of those two.

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