38. The Note-

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Sue's nostrils flared. 'You've got to be joking,' she said, sitting next to Joel during breakfast. A wrapped up present was on the table. She almost mistook it to be a present for her, but no, it wasn't.

Mrs Clark, or should he call her by her maiden name as Ms Cook after the divorce, had asked Joel to give it to Lizzy once he got back to Hogwarts.

Joel ignored his angry girlfriend, giving up on explaining why it had to be him. He saw the intended recepepient walking by. 'Lizzy!' he called her, ignoring Sue's lividity.

'Hey!' Lizzy said, happy that Joel greeted her in publuc like he used to. She went over to him. Toby was there, eyeing the two in pent up annoyance.

'Here,' he said and pushed the present across the table. 'Your mum wants me to give it to you.'

'Oh? What is it?'

'I dunno. She said it's your Christmas present. She misses you, she said to tell you that.'

Lizzy took it and hugged it tightly. 'Thanks!' The present in her arms felt like there were two things inside and she couldn't wait to see it.

Toby interjected the moment. 'I have a... a Christmas present for you too.' He conjured a bouquet of flowers.

Sue groaned. 'Why can't you be as considerate as Toby Turner.'

Some of Joel and Sue's friends started teasing Joel and Lizzy, resulting in a sharp glower from Sue who was offended.

'Right...' Lizzy spoke quickly to escape the awkward situation as she took Toby's present. 'See you around!'

Sue crossed her arms angrily, refusing to talk. A familiar treatment she had done before. Joel glanced at Terry and Michael for help, but they just shrugged.


Before charms class, everyone gathered around to see Lizzy's Christmas present. She ripped the present to reveal a going out dress. A really nice dress with noodle straps.

Sandra excitedly pulled it up to see it. 'I think this'll look good on you!'

People were commenting about it. But she wasn't interested in giving a penny of thought about such present from mum. Her eyes landed on the second one that people hadn't notice. It was a mini octopus plushie and a little piece of paper under the tentacles. The paper had Joel's writing: Merry Christmas Lizzy! This one is from me.

She pocketed the letter quickly, so people, especially Toby, wouldn't see it. 'And this! An octopus!' said Lizzy.

People were hyped up and Markus had the boldness to take it away.


'It's so squishy!' Markus said, laughing at the octopus he was fondling torturously.

'Markus, you'll ruin it!'

The plushie became a game of fly the octopus and everyone had to try and catch it. She protested, but she was laughing in her attempts to save it.

She had so much stuff to carry back, with books and octopus, Toby had to help carry the dress and the flower. It was a hassle, going from classes to classes. On lunch, they were heading to the hufflepuff dormitory.

'Did you see Ginny's braid?' Sandra said, walking along. 'I want that. My dark hair can't make the same effect with her flaming red hair. I wish I can... People can barely see it from my hair!'

'Dye your hair red, then,' Markus said.

'Har har... unless...' Sandra was inspired.

'Your mum will kill you, though,' Markus reminded.

Sandra pouted. 'You're right, she will.'

Lizzy smirked. "What about going blonde? Blonde Sandra.'

Sandra smirked. 'Blonde Sandra.'

They were at the Grand Staircase. As they stood on one of the moving stairs down, Lizzy slid her hand into her pocket. She wanted to feel the little piece of paper Joel had written. But it wasn't there. She checked the plushie's tentacles. It wasn't there as well. She started checking all of her pockets.

'What are you looking for?' Sandra asked.

'O-oh, nothing, just a note I made from class. I think I lost it...'

'Ah well, better make a new one then.' Too bad it was gone. She was touched by Joel's note.

They walked down the stairs to the underground floor, making it to the main hallway, turning left to a narrower hallway to the Hufflepuff dorm. They arrived at a big giant door coloured in ashy yellow. Lizzy's friends went in first, muttering the password.

'Thanks for your help, Toe, I'll manage from here,' Lizzy said, smiling.

Toby was dark. He gave the dress and flowers to her. Lizzy was about to turn to the door when he said, 'Were you looking for this note?'

Lizzy looked back at him quickly. In guilt, she saw him holding the note. Toby was holding Joel's note, staring at it sadly.

'Merry Christmas Lizzy...' he read it out. 'It's not a class note, though.'

'O-oh yeah, that one must be from my presents... where did you find it?'

Toby stared at her sharply. 'This is from Joel... isn't it?'

She tried to keep her face flat. She had to find an excuse. 'No, that's from my mum.'

'Then should I just throw it away? I thought you're still mad at your mum.'

'No, no, I'll take it,' Lizzy said and extended a hand.

Toby glowered. 'So it is Joel's. You won't give a single damn about your mum's writing. You're still mad at her. The only one that you care about is Joel. Joel this, Joel that. Joel paper? Here. Take it. Take whatever he has that I don't.' Toby shoved it to her hand. 'I don't think we should date anymore.'

'W-what? Wait, Toby... No... Are you... you're... breaking up with me? Because of a piece of paper?'

'Yeah. If it wasn't for my friends, I won't notice it but I do now. You care so much about him, why can't you just tell him how you feel!'

'Toby, me and Joel are just friends...'

Toby snorted, annoyedly. 'You two need to sort it out. I'm tired of coming second whenever he's around.'

'That's not true, Toby... Wait... Toby!'

The boy kept going, not looking back.

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