5. Birthdays-

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12th February 1989

Joel's house was colourfully decorated. Flags on strings at the walls and balloons. Food and drinks in the living room and kitchen. Party games in the backyard. Friends came over with gifts. Music from the radio and the television was left running the whole day.

It was Joel's 9th birthday.

Family and friends were there.

Everyone was having a jolly time, though a bit grim on the tree house.

'If my parents aren't such morons... I'd be swell to have a party like this,' Bobby said.

'Language, Bob, adults are here. We can get in trouble,' Lizzy said, leaning over the view to look down on people playing games of catching an apple in a bucket of water with their mouths.

'Who cares? They can't hear it from up here.'

Lizzy, Bobby, and Cole were up in the tree house, watching people down on the ground. Most of the guests were in the Lisbon's backyard, but the Clarks opened their yard for more space. The tree house was conquered by Bobby's group when they got here.

Some kids wanted to join in, but Bobby shooed them away. 'Bobs... We still have room for those two. Why'd you do that?' she asked.

Bobby checked some plushies without any care in the world.

Kids played on a trampoline and watched an adult squeeze balloons into animal shapes. Everyone was laughing to get one animal balloon. Lizzy wished her mates were as energized as them, but no, they'd rather watch everyone from up here and sulked.

Joel's mum started calling everyone into the house.

'Come on!' Lizzy said, excitedly climbing down the stairs. She hurried over to assemble in the living room. 'The celebration is starting! She squeezed through the people, pushing them aside so that she could reach the crowded living room. She saw Joel smiling. For a second, Joel found her between Uncle Roger and Aunt Darla and smiled awkwardly at her. He was a bit embarrassed that everyone came over to watch his birthday.

Joel sat on a couch. His birthday cake had nine lit candles, deliciously present on a low small table in front of him. Everyone started singing Happy Birthday. Then Joel took a moment to close his eyes and make a wish in secret. Then he adoringly stared at the candles and blew the fire along.


6th March 1989

Lizzy's 8th birthday was in a park. Her mum organized a barbeque picnic on a fine noon of spring. It was a beautiful Spring. Colourful flowers bloomed everywhere, green lush trees, white fluffy clouds, and a blue handsome sky.

Beebo had been sleeping soundly under a picnic table. She was unbothered to entertain the children.

Ann was here. That girl entertained the people just by saying something. It might be Lizzy's birthday party, but that girl knew how to rile people together. Lizzy didn't worry about it at all, as she didn't want to do it herself. She'd rather have Ann use this moment to gather people around. They all hung around Ann like bees.

'I'm bored, let's play tag,' Bobby said.

'Great idea, Bobby!' Ann said and slapped Bobby's back. 'You're it!'

People started scurrying away from Bobby, laughing their lungs out.

'What? I didn't say I...' Bobby dropped his complaint and started chasing them all.

In heavenly chaos, they tagged one another. It was impossible to not catch anyone. The air filled with their laughter and shouts. Lizzy's face was glistening and her breathing was short from running a lot. She left them to get a cup of strawberry juice that she loved, obsessively. Thinking about it was an energy booster itself. The juice was in a pretty dispenser on a picnic table. It was made of thick glass with special carvings. The bottom had a tap to pour into a red plastic cup.

Most of their parents hung out by the picnic table. And some of them were also sitting down at the picnic mat, having light snacks and long conversations.

As Lizzy was filling up her cup, she saw her mum, talking on her mobile phone near a tree. She walked up to her while drinking the cold fresh juice. And she was eager to get back playing with the other kids in no time.

'What do you mean you can't get here!' mum shouted at her phone. 'You really don't know what day it is today, do you? Guess. No, guess. Wrong! No! Oh my god, Rob, it's Lizzy's birthday you ignorant bastard!'

Lizzy was shocked. She had never heard Mum cussed like that before. She had never even heard her mum raise such a voice.

'Oh, now you're sorry? Where are you right now? Can't you just show up in this instance? It's better, than never at all... I'm serious,' mum shouted. 'What? What on earth are you doing there, Rob! You said you didn't want to live there anymore! Work? There's loads of work here! No! No, no, no, no. I don't want to hear your excuses, Rob. Tell Lizzy yourself!'

Mum cut off the connection of her Motorola flip phone. She turned around to find Lizzy standing there in disbelief. Her anger drained into a pale mess.

'Lizzy... darling... what do--what do you need?'

'Dad's not coming to my birthday?' Lizzy asked, weakly.

Mum felt guilty that Lizzy overheard her conversation. 'Oh darling...' Mum went to hug her. 'He'll be here soon. If not, I'm sure he'll buy you a present to make up for it...' Mum smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes.

'Okay...' Lizzy said.

She went away to finish her drink. She put the plastic glass on the table to join her friends, but she didn't want to play anymore. She sat by a tree and watched them play.

Joel was tagged and started chasing people around. He saw Lizzy, sitting there alone, watching the scene. He went over to her. 'Are you playing with us or not?' he asked.

'No. I just want to watch you all play the game.'

'You alright?'

'Yeah... Well... I wish my dad can make it... But he's in Manchester right now, probably. I know he can't come here.'

'I see... I know, it's rough... I wish my dad can come to my birthday too. I know how you feel, really,' he watched her downy expression. 'At least you know where your dad is, at least. My dad's somewhere in the Middle East... I hope he's alive. I think my mum knows where he is exactly, but she doesn't want to tell me...'

Lizzy was quiet. She knew he wanted to cheer her up, but it didn't help at all. She contemplated, then noticed the other kids were waiting. 'Joel, look. The others are waiting for you. Tag them.'

Joel looked around and realized the other kids were waiting impatiently. 'Oh right--' he tapped Lizzy. 'Tag! You're it!'

'Joel! I said I'm not playing!' Lizzy shouted.

'Well, too bad, you are it!' He ran away, laughing.

'That idiot!' She stood up and started chasing people around. She wanted to get Joel, but it was difficult to lock a target, so she tagged someone else nearest to her. 'Tag! You're it!' Her smile grew back and she forgot about the sadness she felt before.

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