58. Sandra's Problem-

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Once again, Sandra stayed behind after Defense Against the Dark Arts class was over. Lizzy glanced at, before exiting the class. Markus and Carl waited by a stone bench, worrying about Sandra's new interest.

'Markus,' Lizzy called. 'I want to know, did you go to Malfoy Manor with Sandra at New Year's Eve?' She joined the two boys who were sitting around.

'No... my family wasn't invited. Only Sandra's.'

'That's odd...'

'Not really, Sandra's dad is the oldest son... Sacred 28 Surname bearers, representing the house, usually going by oldest child descendant to go down to. Sandra's an only child, so she'll be a Flint bearer... for the time being... until she decided to marry, I'll step up... But yeah, I think the reason they invite her to the party is because she's doing dark arts.'

'Why are they so interested in Sandra?' asked Carl.

'They want a Flint member back in the table, I think. Her dad's supposed to be an active member, maybe they need another Flint to continue after him... maybe, I don't know. My parents keeps me away from Sandra's family, for now, afraid I'll get dragged in the dark too.'

'That's... that's awful. Sandra must be terrified... right?' Lizzy asked, unsurely.

'I believe she is,' said Markus, not giving calm.

Out of the blue, Astoria and her mates stood in front of Professor Moody's classroom. They peeked in.

'What are they... doing here?' asked Carl.

Markus stood up. 'Wait here,' he said, before walking up to the Slytherins. He went over to them and started talking. The group looked at him in obvious disdain. It was clear that they didn't want to hear anything Markus was saying. The group and Markus argued.

Samuel Harper was standing behind Astoria. Lizzy saw his hand, reaching into his robe.

'He's going to hex Markus,' said Lizzy.

Carl saw it too and was already reaching for his own wand. Lizzy did so too after she saw Harper pulling something. Samuel subtly pointed a wand at Markus. Carl didn't think twice. 'Expelliarmus.'

Samuel's wand flew and Carl caught it. The Slytherins glared at him.

'How dare you, mudblood!' said Astoria in a yell.

'We won't forget this!' said Carol.

'Yeah, watch it,' said Coral.

Astoria glared at Markus. 'That's what you get for befriending mudbloods, Markus Flint. They're savages.'

Markus was angry, but he kept his mouth shut. Coral took out her wand, making things more tense. Everyone were ready for a fight, especially when she was pointing it at Carl. But all she did was summon Harper's wand back, then the group of Slytherins walked away.

Markus looked at Carl and Lizzy. 'Thanks for the help,' he said.

Moments later, Sandra walked out of the class, beaming. 'I got my last five points back! And an extra five for knowing how to-- Well anyways, what was all that fuss I hear? Someone shouted Mudblood...'

'Astoria happened,' said Markus.

'Oh... of course.'

'Samuel Harper almost attacked Markus too,' said Carl.

'Oh...' Sandra didn't expect that.

'Let's go,' Lizzy gestured. 'Don't wanna meet Professor Moody out here too.'

They walked to get to the next class.

'But Professor Moody's not that bad,' said Sandra. 'He's a better teacher than Snape.'

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