79. Escape-

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They were in the playground. Lizzy and Joel sat on the swings. The sky was about to get dark.

'My mum thinks I'm dead?' Lizzy spoke uncomfortably.

'They think we're dead long ago. That Ann girl must be effected too. She might think we're orphans probably.'

Lizzy ignored her upsetness of Ann's attempt to seduce Joel. Her family matter was more important. 'I think this is what they wanted... They want us to march into the Ministry and register ourselves there. They're not giving us any choices.'

'They're trying to get us to go there, for sure.'

Lizzy hid her face in her palms. 'This is a nightmare! You're telling me we can't go home? I can't talk to my mum?'


'To hell with all of this! I don't want this at all!'

Joel took out his wand to make a patronus. He asked Terry for help to pick them up in this primary school playground. The patronus shot away.

Something didn't feel right. Joel looked around. He stood up. Wand was raised. 'Revelio!' Something paused in the air when he did it and a rustle was on nearby bushes. He stood up immediately, wand up.

'What is it?' Lizzy asked in fear. She stood up too.

'Watch my back and take your wand out,' Joel ordered. 'Stay alert. Use revelio.'

'But I still have the trace, remember?'

'I don't think it's going to matter anymore. I think someone's here.'

The air tasted stale. Lizzy followed his order. She was holding her wand up in nervousness.

'Stay close to me... point at any direction. Revelio.'

'Revelio,' Lizzy did so, pointing in front of her, having no idea what was going to pop up. The air moved.




Lizzy hit someone. A man appeared. He was wearing Ministry official uniform. She gasped. 'Joel! Ministry!'

In seconds, the air moved rushly to their direction. Joel grabbed Lizzy's hand and apparated. They appeared in a park. A park where they used to play football with Bobby and Cole.

'Joel, they were with us!' Lizzy said intensely. 'Someone in a... an official uniform. They... Joel, what are we supposed to do now?'

'We can't stay out in the open,' Joel said cautiously.

'Where do we go?'

Joel sent another patronus, asking for Terry's help, the he looked back at Lizzy's fearful expressio. 'We need a safe place. Out of the public.'

They looked around. Wands were up as they were paranoid if the Ministry officials were here.

'How did they find us?' Lizzy asked.

'Maybe they happen to see us... I don't know.'

They didn't know if the sounds of leaves were wind or it was the same situation as before.

'We should keep moving... Terry lives near Oxford.'

'Okay... I trust you.'

Joel took her hand. They apparated. They were now on the side of a highway. Cars were passing by fast on the smooth asphalt. One honked violently before Joel and Lizzy escaped really close to the side.

'This is dangerous, Joel!' Lizzy said, shouting over the passing cars, having her long hair swaying wildly. Wind howled from the direction of the cars. Their clothes were fluttering about.

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