Golf corse/ Oliver

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A/n: Wow we already got 10 reads! Is not that much but thank you so much! I hope you all like my stories I hope this on gets a little big longer because I have many ideas for this one! I just wanted to say I have so many ideas so I will probably p...

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A/n: Wow we already got 10 reads! Is not that much but thank you so much! I hope you all like my stories I hope this on gets a little big longer because I have many ideas for this one! I just wanted to say I have so many ideas so I will probably post more often and I think is really fun to write this stories! Hope you all like it! Love G xx.

This imagine is about when you meet Oliver at a golf course with your dad.
Good to know:
Y/d/n: Your dads name
Y/b/n: Your big brother's name
Y/n/n: Your nickname
Ginny and Molly are your dogs. (They are named after Ginny and Molly in Harry Potter.)
The left one is Molly and the right on is Ginny.

Words count: 1076

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Words count: 1076

You and your father were going to play golf you were pretty bad at it but went with your dad anyway to have father daughter time. But of course you couldn't let your two Siberian Huskies all alone in your house. So you took the with you.
"Common Y/n!"
"Coming dad!"
You and your dad went to the golf. When you arrived you took a short walk with Ginny and Molly. When yo dad took the things out of his car. (You had also one car if hard to fit with two dogs and golf things in the same car.😂 Please I'm not good at golf stuff so sorry if I'm saying wrong.) When you were done you and your dad started to play. You swined the ball but it suddenly went the wrong way. And hit a man in the head. You were so embarrassed but you walked to the man and started to apologise to him.
"God I'm so so sorry it wasn't meant to hit you!" You said but then you realised who it was. It was the one and only Oliver Phelps.
He looked at you and smiled warmly.
"No harm done."
"Omg I'm so sorry Oliver." You stuttered out.
"You know who I'm are you a Harry Potter fan?"
"Yes..." You said shyly.
"Well I didn't get you name was is it?"
Before you could answer.
"Y/n time to go!"
"Well again I'm so sorry! It was really nice to meet you!" You stuttered out again.
"Wait. Can I get your number?"
"Sure." You couldn't believe you were going to get Oliver's number. You changed numbers and you went home to you and your brother that you lived with right now.
Oliver POV
I couldn't get that girl out of my head what is happening to you Oliver you can't be in love with a girl you berly know. I call her maybe we can hang out.
"Hello?" She said
"Hi! Y/n!"
"Oh hi Oliver how are you?"
"Great you?"
"Good thank you!"
"So what did you want?"
"Emmh I was wondering if you would like to hang out?" I asked nervously.
"Sure! You can come now if you want!"
You told your address and after 20 minutes you heard a knock on the door.
Writers POV
Your brother opened the door and your dogs barked.
"Shh sit!" He said
But they didn't listen.
"I'm sorry they just listen to Y/n. You most be Oliver I'm Y/b/n Y/n'S big brother is really nice to meet you."
" Yes I'm, it's not a problem it's really nice to meet you too!"
"Y/n Oliver is here and get your dogs to be quiet." He screamed.
"So it's my dogs now." You joked.
The dogs still barked.
You whistle and the dogs immediately stopped.
"I'm sorry for that. We go on a walk see you later."
"You don't know how much Y/n has talked about you! She has toatally a crush on you." Your brother said smirking.
"Really he didn't need to know that!" You said clearly embarrassed. Oliver went red and you took your dogs.
"I'm sorry for him and the dogs."
"It's okay Y/n you don't need to apologise! What's the dogs name by the way?"
"Oh Ginny and Molly! I kind of named them from Harry Potter." You said blushing a little.
Oliver only lathed at you.
"I-I have to tell you something..." You stuttered out.
"What is it?"
"Oliver you are my best friend and I can't lie to you."
He looked at me worried. He probably thought I was going to say something bad to him.
Oliver POV
I got worried what she needed to tell me? Do she not what to see me anymore? What if she hates me! I love her so much I'm so in love with that girl that it's make me go crazy. I don't want to worry but still I was.
"Emmh I don't know how to say this but I have been in love with you for a long time now. And I-I just wondered if you felt the same way." She said stuttering.
I was so shocked that she shared my feelings this was incredible. My biggest dreams could finally come true. Being with her is the thing I want the most! I couldn't get a word out of my mouth so I just kissed her. She was shocked but she still kissed me back. All the fireworks spread in the kiss feeling love. That wasn't a normal kiss trust me I'm actor and I have never felt this way by kissing someone before.
Never, and as a actor you can kiss pretty many girls. I slowly pulled away my face was red as a tomato as I looked at her beautiful eyes. That was shining in the sunset. The dogs baked of joy and we lathed at them. I pulled into another kiss that become more and more passionate. I slept my tongue into her mouth and we were making out. After a while she pulled away.
"I'm glad that you are my boyfriend!" She said and smiled.
"I love you Y/n/n!"
"I love you to Ollie."
Then we walked back in the sunset with Ginny and Molly happy that I could finally call her mine.

A/n: Hi loves I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I know this isn't that long but it took time! But now is done! Hope you have a nice weekend take care.
Love G Xx.

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