You are not alone/ James and Oliver

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A/n: Hi loves! I have a really good idea for this imagine! But I don't know why I'm so terribly bad to name imagines

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A/n: Hi loves! I have a really good idea for this imagine! But I don't know why I'm so terribly bad to name imagines. I mean all the others are naming the imagines good but I'm not. I just felt like I want to do another James and Oliver imagine! So I hope you all enjoy this is a long imagine so be comfortable.
I hope you all enjoy this. Enjoy!

This is your dog Luna

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This is your dog Luna. You had another one but she died for a couple of months ago.

You and the twins meet for the first time you have been a fan of Harry Potter for a long time. And now you meet them. But not in a meet and greet, you meet them on the street. Meeting your two idols crushes were not the most aspect thing you can do.

Good to know:
Y/f/n: Your best girl friends name.
H/c/c: Her character crush.
(It's means the Harry Potter character your friend is crushing on. Not George or Fred since you are☺️)
Y/f/c: Your favorite colour.
Y/f/n/n: Your girl best friends nickname.
Y/n/n: Your nickname.
Y/h/t: Your home time.
Y/m/n: Your mother's' name.
Y/l/n: Your last name.
Y/f/c: Your favorite colour.
Y/b/b/n: Your biggest brother's name. (He is 40)
Y/b/n: Your big brother's name. (He is 37)
Y/b/n/d: Your biggest brother's daughter's name. (She is 3)
Y/b/b/o/d: Your biggest brother's older daughter. (She is 7)
Y/b/s/n: Your big brother's son. (He is five)
Words count: 6245!!
You had been a Harry Potter fan for a really long time now. But the most thing you liked about Harry Potter was George and Fred Weasley. You had a really big crush on them in the film since you were 15. Now you had a really big crush on both James and Oliver. You had no idea why you still had a huge crush on then you just had. Anyways one day you decided to go out with your friend. You went on shopping she was going to get something and you went to another store.
On the way to the store you all of sudden went into something or specifically someone. Your dropped your bags.
"I'm so so sorry." You said kind of embarrassed because you didn't watched were you walk.
"No harm done." They replied in a friendly voice.
Y/n's POV
I looked up and noticed it was Oliver and James Phelps. Oh no. Seriously Y/n couldn't you just look were you went. I was even more embarrassed when I saw it was James and Oliver. I didn't know what to say my two idols crushes.
"James Oliver I'm so sorry-"
"No harm done." They said again.
"Are- you -sure." I stuttered out. Common Y/n you need to be normal. Stop stuttering, god I was so embarrassed.
"There is no reason to be embarrassed. Things like this happens all the time." They both said with a smile.
Writers POV
You picked the things up from the ground. Still quiet embarrassed of what happened.
"Y/n." Y/f/n said.
"I-I'm sorry- I- need- to- go- now. Again- I'm- so sorry- of- what happened." You stuttered out and run to Y/f/n.
James and Oliver POV
Her name was Y/n! Her name was Y/n.
"Wow." We both said at the same time and blushed so much that our cheeks was red as a tomato.
James POV
"So you liked her?" I asked my brother.
"Yes, yes I do. Do you? You know like her?" He asked.
"Yes I do."
"Ow that was not good we can't just like the same girl James."
"I know you are right. But it isn't like me to just fall for a girl that fast. I usually take me a lot of time to get dose kind of feeling." I said.
"I haven't too. It just is something special with her."
Me and Oliver was head over heals for Y/n I couldn't just stop thinking about her, and I didn't know why. It was so hard to stop thinking of a girl like Y/n. You just couldn't, it's hard to explain but I think I'm in love with her. Omg James did you really said that? You literally don't know a single thing about her. Just her name, what kind of idiot are you? It's impossible to be in love with someone you just met right? Or can you, no no no no stop it James, she can never like you that way. Sure it's a lot of girls that like me and have a crush on me. But a girl like her could never ever feel that kind of feeling to me. She is just to beautiful to ever like me in that way. Why James why did you fall so hard for a girl you hardly know? How can you fall for a girl you hardly know is the real question. Oh god why is love so freaking hard to understand. It feel so good but hurts so bad that is true. It feels so good to be in love again since I haven't since the divorce with my ex wife. I'm going to be honest I haven't been in love for 3 years. It was a good feeling but why a girl I don't know a single thing about. Me and Oliver being in love with the same woman wasn't good ether. I mean are we both never going to stop thinking about her. All I know was that I need the meet her again. That's what I wanted to meet her. But what if I never see her again, I mean it could be this one thing. That you only meet once. No no no you can't say that James you are going to meet her again. Why I'm even talking so much to my self? I can't control my feelings anymore, actually I had forgotten that this is how it feels to be in love. God you really are in love James...
Writers POV
It was a week ago you met the twins. Your dreams had come true. That you actually had met them. But you were probably never going to met them again it was just this one time thing. They were even more handsome in real life then on tv and media. No you were going to meet them again. At least that was your plan.
"Y/n!" Y/f/n screamed.
"Oh hi Y/f/n!"
"I have something great! Look look!"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes they are really going to do it!"
If you won a competition you could have a day with the Phelps twins. You were probably going to met them. If you won you were finally able to meet them again not just think about them. In on hour they were going to say who would win the competition. You were really excited and hoped that you could meet them again. Anyways it was now a Facebook post that said the winner.
Congratulations Y/n Y/l/n plus a friend! Have won the competition! You are going to meet Oliver and James Phelps. Tomorrow at 11 am.
Omg you were really going to meet them you were so excited.
"Y/f/n Y/f/n! I won the competition!! I'm going to meet them!" You said excitedly.
"Okay Y/n calm down a big would you?"
"I can't I'm so excited!"
"I get that wait you can take a friend with you!?"
"I KNOW!!"
Y/f/n was also a really big fan of Harry Potter but she had a big crush on h/c/c. But she was still very excited to meet them. She loves the twins also, but she knew you had a BIG crush on them. You couldn't really hide it almost everyone knew that you had a crush on them. That's was because you always talked about them. You always told how handsome they were and how good they were at acting. They were your inspection for your whole life, they helped you through bad times. Like when your father died, they helped you. Even if you didn't know how they helped you they just did, being there for you even if you haven't actually met them.
A/n: I hope this make sense. I don't know. Anyways back to the story.
You and Y/f/n decided to take the car so you hopped into the car and drove away.
"I'm so excited!" You said happily.
"Yeah me too." Y/f/n said excited.
You drove for about on hour and then you finally arrived.
"Omg I'm so nervous." Y/f/n said excited and nervous at the same time.
A/n: Hope that's make sense I don't know.
You and Y/f/n went out of the car seeing James and Oliver. It was almost like your heart ripped out if your chest of how fast it went. You were going to spend the day with your crushes a WHOLE DAY! But still you were really nervous about what was going to happened or if they see that it was you. No no no you didn't want that to happen that would be very embarrassing and awkward.
"Hi I'm James and this is my brother Oliver. But you probably already knew that." James said and smiled god you could die for that smile. His smile was like a sun to you it was the brightest thing you ever had seen.
Oliver's POV
It was her. Y/n that girl me and James run into, god she was beautiful. I hope she doesn't see I'm starring at her.
"I'm Y/n." She said in a lovely voice her voice was like a angel. So harmless and beautiful.
"And I'm Y/n's best friend my name is Y/f/n! Nice to meet you!" She shook our hands.
"You too now let's go." James said. Me and James liking the same girl wasn't good at all what were we supposed to say. Oh hi Y/n we are in love with you. We hope that you understand. We both want you to be our girlfriend. How does that sounds crazy right? We don't know how to tell her even if I doesn't know a single thing about her. Something just changed when I meet her. It's hard to explain but I guess it's LOVE. I'm in love, god that's was long time ago I ha I felt that kind of feeling for someone. Six years to be exact, since me and my ex wife got divorced. I mean I'm not complaining it was nice too finally feel that kind of feeling again but why just for her. And why did we both need to fall for her. The question was easy, she was so beautiful more beautiful then a goddess. Everything about her were just so beautiful her hair, her lips, her ears, her nose. Yeah just everything about her was perfect. I really loved her personality too. And that's so important, I hope I can get to know her more. Maybe she would fall in love with me too. No no no no what are thinking Oliver she could never feel the same for you. She is beautiful and talented Y/n and you are just Oliver.
Writers POV
You, Y/f/n, James and Oliver spent the rest of the day together and became really good friends. The one thing you didn't want to say that you had only fallen more for both James and Oliver. They were different but they shared there love and care. You really loved them both and you didn't want to say it to your self but you were IN LOVE. That feeling was so good but in the same time the worst thing you could have. Why would to known people be together with you. That was at least what you thought.
A/n: Just so you know this is not true! You are so beautiful just the way you are!! It's just the story anyways back to the story again.
But they did share you feelings but how were they going to tell you? After the day ended...
"So I hope you guys had a great day!!" James said and smiled.
"We indeed had. Thank you a lot you don't know how much it means to us!" Y/f/n said and smiled.
"Very well then you are very welcome!" Oliver said with a huge smile on his face.
Y/f/n and you began to walk to your car.
"Wait-can-can- we- talk to- you Y/n?" They stuttered out.
"Emmh sure. You can wait in the car." You said to Y/f/n. She just smirked to you and went to the car.
"So what did you want guys wanted to tell me?"
"Emmh... So from that day we first saw you. We kind of got feelings for you. Like a lot of feelings, and the only grow. So what we are asking you if you maybe want to go on a date with us?" James said nervously.
"You mean both of you?" You couldn't believe that James and Oliver Phelps asked you on a date! Omg your idols crushes were ASKING YOU OUT! It was so big for you, why will they ask you out.
"Emmh yeah if- that's okay with you." Oliver said nervously.
"You know you don't have to be so nervous." You lathed.
"I would love to go on a date with you."
"Of course! Tomorrow at 7 pm?"
"That-that would work." They said and smiled. You couldn't honestly believe that you were going on a date with JAMES AND OLIVER PHELPS!! They could have choose some other girls but they choose you!
"Well then bye."
"Bye." They both said, and you gave them a tight hug,
Then you went to the car and opened the door.
"Well what did they say?" Y/f/n said smirking.
"Shut up Y/f/n!"
"No really what did they say?"
"YES WE HAVE A DATE TOMORROW!" You said with a huge smile.
"I KNOW!!!" You and Y/f/n lathed and drove home.
"Okay you need to help me find a good outfit!" You said and smiled.
"Of course let's see what you have..." Y/f/n said.
Y/f/n saw a beautiful dress in y/f/c.
"You should have that one!"
"Omg you a right." You said and lathed.
"Now makeup." (If you want to you don't need to!)
Your makeup matched your dress and was in y/f/c. (Still if you want to have it!)
"Omg this is perfect you are so beautiful!" Y/f/n said excited.
"I think you are more excited then I'm right now." You said and both of you lathed.
"Okay it is late I should go home now." Y/f/n said.
"Could you please stay? We can have a girls night please?"
"Omg what a good idea!"
"I know right."
"We should by some stuff!"
"Yes!" You and Y/f/n took the car and drove to the store to by some stuff. You parked the car and went out.
"So what should we by?"
"Mhh I don't know."
"We will probably come up with something!" Y/f/n said excited.
"You are really excited today aren't you?" She just lathed and replied.
"Yes yes I am!"
"Anyways we should by things now."
"Yes we should!"
You bought some food and snacks what ever you like for snack. Then you went to the car and drove home to your flat. You set in the sofa and put you and Y/f/n favorite film.
After a really good evening you and Y/f/n went to bed.
"Good night Y/n sweet dreams."
"Good night Y/f/n/n sweet dreams."
After that you both drifted asleep. You were really excited to go on a date with James and Oliver. The day after you woke up early because you were so excited that you couldn't sleep anymore.
"Y/f/n! Wake up!!"
"What time is it?" She groaned.
"5:30 am."
"Why are you waking me up that early!" She groaned.
"Because I can't sleep now let's go on a walk."
"Because it's good."
"Okay okay." She said and groaned.
You went up and eat breakfast and then you and Y/f/n went out on a walk with your dog.
But the most un expected thing just happened. You and Y/f/n meet James going out with his two dogs.
"Oh hi Y/n!" James said.
James POV
When I was walking my dogs I saw Y/n and Y/f/n. They were out with another dog, the dog was really cute. It was a golden retriever, a little puppy!
"Hi." She said and blushed.
"So who is this little cutie?"
"Her name is Luna. After Luna in Harry Potter." She said and smiled.
"She is so cute!"
"I had another one named Ginny but she died for a couple of months ago." You said with a sad smile.
"I'm so sorry."
"She was actually really good! She could fall every where."
"That's great."
She smiled god her smile I could die for it. It was the most prestigious smile I have ever seen.
"Well who are these two then?"
"Casey and William."
"Wow that's was cute."
Writers POV
When you had talked with James for a while you and Y/f/n went back to your flat.
"You are blushing!" She teased.
"Oh shut up Y/f/n!"
"But you are!"
"Shut up!"
She lathed a bit and continued to tease you.
"Still you have a husband! And a child Y/f/n I know you have feel the same feelings. So you can't say anything! Because I know you still feel that feelings for your husband!"
"Oh shut it."
Still writers POV
Fast forward to 6 pm. Because I don't know what t write hihi.
"Okay I need to get my self ready!"
"Oh yeah I can help you!"
"Thanks Y/f/n!"
"No problem!"
You and Y/f/n got to your bed room and took your dress you were going to have.
You went down the stairs with you final look.
"Wow Y/n you are really beautiful."
"Thanks Y/f/n."
"No problem!"
You were both really excited and nervous at the same time.
Y/f/n and you went out to your car and Luna was with your mum for a while.
When Y/f/n had been driving for 30 minutes you finally arrived to the restaurant where you were going to meet James and Oliver.
"Very well then good luck."
"Thank you I think I need that."
"No you don't. You are an amazing girl Y/n and if they can't see that they are idiots okay."
"Thank you Y/f/n. For everything."
"No problem. Hope you have a great time and you need to tell me EVERYTHING when you come back."
"I will thank you so much Y/f/n."
"Bye Y/n/n."
Bye Y/f/n/n."
She drove away and nervously you slowly went into the restaurant.
"Wow you look really beautiful." They both said at the same time.
"Thanks. You look really handsome."
You sat down at the table and look at the menu. Then after a couple of minutes you opened food. The barista starred at you making James and Oliver jealous.
"How lovely do you want something else dear?" He said and looked at you.
"Water please."
"Sure darling." He said in a flirty voice. You felt really uncomfortable James and Oliver was really jealous.
"I feel so uncomfortable..."
"We are really sorry for this Y/n." James said sadly.
"It's okay you didn't know."
Fast forward to after the dinner.
After the dinner you all decided to go for a walk. It was sunset on the beach you were on. Making it very beautiful.
"Wow that sunset is so beautiful." You said and smiled.
"Not as beautiful as you." They said making you blush.
"Emmh thanks I guess." You said blushing like a idiot.
"Y/n?" Oliver asked.
"We had really fun with you. And we wonder if we can kiss you." James said asking you for your permission.
"Yes that is fine." After you said that James fastly pulled you into a soft kiss. You and James kissed in the sunset making it even more romantic then it was.
After you pulled away, Oliver went closer to you.
"Can I?"
He quickly pulled you into a passionate kiss. You still kissed in the sunset it was very romantic. After a time you both pulled away.
"Y/n?" James asked.
"We-like- you a- lot- we just wondered- if you- would be- or girlfriend." Oliver stuttered out.
You couldn't believe that Oliver and James Phelps was asking you to be your girlfriend. Omg they really did ask you to be your boyfriends.
"YES!! Oh sorry I was just excited." You said and lathed a bit.
"No worries Y/n we are happy to call your ours now!"
You pulled both of them into another kiss. First Oliver and then James. You couldn't really be happier then you were now. Maybe you could one day you could actually move in with them.
"I don't know if it's to early to say this but we love you." Oliver and James said.
"It's isn't to early but I love you too."
"But I really need to go home now."
"No love please stay with us." They said.
"Well I need to get Luna."
"Well then we can go and get her!"
"Okay okay fine."
You went to Oliver's car. And James drove after you and James in his car.
"So we're do your mum live love?"
"In y/h/t."
"Right a hour to drive."
Fast forward to when you got home to your mum. Still writers POV.
You knocked on the door.
"The clock is 10 pm do you think she is a wake?" James asked.
"Yeah I think so."
You heard a bark.
"Oh Luna." You said lathing.
After a couple of seconds your mum opened the door.
"Oh hi darling!" Luna run out the house with a waging tail to finally meet you.
"Hi little one." James said and pet the dog.
"And who are this two mens?" Y/m/n asked.
"This is James and Oliver my boyfriends."
"Have you boyfriends?" Y/m/n asked shocked.
"Yap." You said and chucked.
"Anyways we should go home now. Have a nice night mum."
"You too darling. And you two I hope you take care of my daughter."
"What I want to know that they take care of my daughter I only have one."
"What you have two brothers I only have one daughter. Then you got more protective."
"Mum I'm 30!"
"Yes but I still want them to take care of you."
"Don't you worry Mrs Y/l/n we take care of your daughter." James said and kissed your forehead, making you blush.
"Very well then I count on you."
"We love your daughter Mrs Y/l/n we would never hurt her." Oliver said and kissed your forehead.
"Well then I know that my daughter is safe."
"Good night mum, I love you."
"I love you too darling have a good night."
"Come here Luna!" You sat on the leach on her and went to James car.
"Hope in." You said and Luna hoped into the car.
"Good girl." You said and petted her head.
"Well I'm sorry for my mum. She have been protective over me since dad died."
"No worries darling we understand." James said and pulled you into a kiss. Then you pulled away.
"Can I get one too." Oliver asked with puppy eyes.
You lathed a big and pulled Oliver into a kiss.
"We'll see you at James house love." Oliver said and kissed you goodbye.
"Why didn't I got a goodbye kiss when you left with Oliver." James winded. Making you and Oliver lath.
"See you soon Ollie I love you."
"I love you too Y/n/n." He then left. And James looked mad.
"Are you jealous?"
"No I am NOT."
"Omg you totally are!!"
"Oh shut up!"
"Make me." You said smirking. James pulled you into a passionate and harden kiss. Then he pulled away.
"You were jealous." You lathed.
"Oh shut it."
"Jamie there is no reason to get jealous you know. I love you both equally and nothing can change that. Okay?"
"Yeah." You peaked his lips and went into the car.
"Common James the clock is 10:30 pm it's time to go now it's a hour and a half to drive.
"Yeah you are right."
Fast forward to when you come to James house. Still writers POV.
"Wow is really beautiful in here."
"Thanks love." James replied.
You, James and Oliver got to bed.
"Good night darling." James said.
"Good night my love." Oliver said.
"Good night." You said sleepy. And soon you fall asleep peacefully in there arms. Both of the kissed your forehead.
"We love you." They softly said.
"I love you too." You said quality.
Fast forward there years later. Still writers POV.
Today was your there year anniversary. You, James and Oliver had moved into a house together.
James, you and Oliver was 33 now and they really wanted to propose to you. Marry you and get children with you. So both James and Oliver went to a shop and wanted to choose the perfect ring for you.
They jumped in the car and drove to the store.
James and Oliver POV
We drove the store to finally by Y/n a ring. We really wanted to propose, get married and have children with her. She was the one and only for us and we knew that from the moment we met her. We parked the car and went into the store.
"Hi and welcome how can I help you?" The worker said.
"So we are going to propose to our girlfriend do you have any ring in y/f/c?" We asked.
"Yeah sure this one." The worker said and we saw a beautiful ring in y/f/c. That was perfect Y/n would love the ring.
"Perfect can we please have it?"
"Sure." The worker said we bought the ring and two rings to us as well. Now was just the hardest part to ask Y/n's brother's for promotion to marry her. Sure they liked us but did they really want us to marry there only sister. And besides they are older then Y/n so they are really protective over her. But we were sure we were going to propose now or never right? Anyways we knew that today Y/n was with her brothers so we saw that as a good time to ask them. So we drove to Y/b/b/n house and knocked on the door. We heard Luna bark and Y/b/b/o/d opened the door.
"Hi James hi Oliver." She said and smiled.
"Well hello there Y/b/b/o/d/n how are you?"
"I good thanks."
"Darling who is it?" Y/b/b/n said.
"It's James and Oliver."
"Very well then let them in."
"Okay." She let them in and went back to play with Y/b/b/d.
"Oliver James!" Y/b/s said excited.
Writers POV
"Hi mate how are you?" James asked.
"I'm good!"
"Well that is great!" Oliver replied.
"Hi!" You said.
"Hu love!" They hugged you and kissed your forehead. Your brothers watched James and Oliver with a protective eye.
"Well can we talk to you?" They asked Y/b/n and Y/b/b/n.
"Sure Y/n do you take care of the children?"
"Sure." They all went upstairs, to talk.
"So what did you want to talk about?" Y/b/n asked.
"So we really love your sister. And well we wanted your promotion to marry her." Oliver said nervously.
"No." Y/b/b/n said.
"We are kidding of course you can marry her. Just take care of her okay?" Y/b/n said lathing.
"We promise." They said and smiled.
They all went down stairs.
"Love we are going home do you want to come with us?" James asked.
"Sure. Bye Y/b/n, Y/b/b/n, Y/b/b/d, Y/b/b/o/d and Y/b/s/n.
"Bye Y/n."
"Come here Luna." Luna fall after you and you went to the car.
Fast forward to when you are at your house.
"Well welcome home my love." Oliver said.
"Thanks. I'm kind of tired the clock is 10 pm I think I'm going to bed. Good night James good night Oliver.
"Good night love." They both said and you went to bed and quietly fall asleep because you were really tied. After a half and hour James and Oliver came up to you and decided to go to bed.
"Good night love." They both said and kissed your forehead.
"We love you."
"I love you too." You replied sleepy.
Fast forward to the day after.
Today was the day James and Oliver was going to propose. They both were really nervous what if your were going to say no. What if you don't want to get married or have children. But you wanted children and you wanted to get married to them more then anything. But they of course didn't know that.
Anyways you went to work which was the perfect time for James and Oliver to prepare for there proposing. They went to the beach were you had your first kiss and took some roses on the beach.

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