Surprise / Oliver

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A/n: Hi loves a new imagine! I hope you all like it

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A/n: Hi loves a new imagine! I hope you all like it. I just wanted to say that Monday- Friday I'm going in school and we have pretty much I will try to post every day but we will see. Today and I'm Friday I will post two parts! Enjoy!
This is about you wanted to by Oliver a new golf kit and some clothes. But you it was to expensive. So you work hard on your main job but it was still not enough. So you began to work on three jobs and you were working really hard and really much. But once you can by the things to Oliver he prepare a surprise to you. Long imagine here!
Good to know:
Collin is your son
He is 4.
Love G Xx.
Words count: 1437
Writers POV
You worked at a store where you could bought clothes. You really loved your job but lately the shop you worked on get les and les customers. You really wanted to by something to your husband. But what if you couldn't. Oliver always said that you and your little son was the best present he ever could get. But one day he showed you a golf set that he really wanted. It was just a couple of months until his birthday, and you really wanted to by it to him but you didn't had enough munny. So you started to work on a coffee shop. But you still didn't get enough of munny so you really wanted another job. You thought for your self. So you went on a interview.
"Mrs Phelps please come in."
"Thank you."
You went into the room and felt how nervous you were.
"So why do you want the job?" The interviewer asked formally.
"I want to make more munny and I'm really interested if this kind of jobs." You said and smiled shyly.
"Well very good Mrs Phelps you got the job."
"Thank you." You were really happy about it and you really wanted to tell Oliver about it. So you drive to your son school.
"Hi Collin!"
"Mummy!!!" He said happily.
You hugged him tightly.
"Say bye to your friends now Collin we are going to daddy!"
"Yay!" He said happily.
You kissed his head and helped into the car.
You drove all the way home to your house and locked up the door.
"Daddy?" Collin screamed.
"Oh my loves! Welcome home." He said warmly.
He walked up to you giving both of you a hug and a kiss.
Your son run away to play with his toys.
"Hi lovely!"
"Hi Ollie how are you?"
"Great while you are here." He said sweetly.
"I need you to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"I got a new job and they pay me over twice that I got on the shop that I worked on!"
"I'm so happy for you my love! Just remember to rest a little okay? You have been working so hard lately I nearly see you. I just want you to rest okay."
"Yes I promise Ollie!" You said and hugged him."
"I love you." He said in your ear.
"Love you too!"
He gave you are you serious look on his face. You lathed at him.
"I love you too!"
"Much better." He replayed grumpy.
"Oh is Ollie little grumpy no. You can't not be mad at me even if you try. You love me to much." You said and winked.
"Oh shut up."
"You know I'm right."
"Yeah yeah."
You kissed him sweetly on the lips.
"Oh why you always have to be right."
You lathed and went to cook dinner. After the dinner you laid your son in his bed. And read a bed time story for him.
"Good night mate." Oliver said.
"Sleep well darling."
"Good night mummy good night daddy."
"I love you."
"I love you too mummy." And soon he drifted.
"I want another one!" Oliver said.
"Maybe later when I work less." You said and kissed him on the lips.
Later you and Oliver went to bed. Next morning you needed to leave early for your new job.
After a few months you finally made enough munny to by the golf set to Oliver.
"I'm going out to shop some stuff."
"Do you want us to come with you?"
"No it's alright I won't take long."
You kissed your son on the forhead and kissed Oliver good bye and then you drove away.

Oliver POV
I was happy she went away for a while then I could prepare the surprise for her. I got everything ready and Collin draw a picture on us.
"It's a lovely picture love."
"Thanks daddy."

Y/n's POV
I was baying the stuff and could finally drive home. I sat in the car and drove home to our house.

"Welcome home mummy!"
"Thanks darling!"
"I'm going to show you something come with me."
You went to the kitchen were the dinner was already done.
"It smells so good." You eat the food and Collin showed his picture.
"Oh thank you love!"
"Time to go to bed love." You said to Collin he jawed. And you put him to bed.
"Good night love sleep well!"
"Good night mummy good night daddy."
He drifted off to sleep.
"Common I have more for you." Oliver said sweetly.
"Oh you are so sweet Oliver."
"Common hun!"
You went to the bathroom were you find a nice bath with candles and roses.
"Oh you didn't have to."
"You have been working so much you need to rest. No we should bath or shouldn't we?"
You took of your clothes and went into the warm bath and relax in the warm nice water.
"I love you Ollie."
"I love you to hunny!"
After that you both went to bed and slept like to angels. The next day it was Oliver's birthday. And you woke up your son.

Writers POV
"Common it's daddy's birthday we should sing and give him some present's!"
"Okay mummy!"
You bake a cake and set candles on it.
You went into the room and began to sing.
"Good morning daddy!" Your son said and gave him a hug.
"Oh you two are too sweet you know that." He kissed Collin cheek and that made him giggle. You both smiled warmly at your son.
"Happy birthday daddy!"
"Thanks love!" He blow out the candles and then he kissed you.
"Eww!" Collin Sid discussed. You both lathed at him.
"I have something for you."
"Really I already got the two best things in the world how could you possibly make it better?"
You hand him a present that was wrapped with beautiful paper. He opened it and it was a pregnancy test. He looked at it closer and saw the two lines.
"Are you joking?"
"No it's real!"
"Omg! I'm going to get another child!" He said with tears in his eyes.
He hugged you tightly.
"Thank you darling!!!"
"For what?"
"For bringing me the most beautiful son in this world and then I'm going to get another one! If it's a girl I'm sure she will be as beautiful as you my love." This made you blush.
"Thank you Ollie!" He kissed you passionately.
"I have one more thing common let's go to the kitchen!" He and Collin fallowed you to the kitchen. Were you had made pancakes for breakfast.
"It looks delicious my love!" You eat and then you gave Oliver a blindfold and let him into another room.
"You can take it off now!"
When he took it off he gasped.
"Darling-" He had become speechless.
"How should I thank you." He said after a while.
"I love to see you so happy my love!"
"I can't believe that you bought this! It that why you have been working so hard?"
"Oh god how much I love you! If almost that I want to propose to you again."
You lathed and he kissed you so passionate.
"I love you so much thank thank you darling you make my life complete." He spent you around and kissed you again.
"Of course I can't forget you." He said to Collin and hugged him.
"I love you both so much! And you too!" He said to your stomach.

A/n: Hi loves long imagine took quite a time! I hope you all enjoy this story. I have some ideas but would like to hear yours too! It will probably come a new imagine later today! Hope you had a great day and take care.
Love G Xx.

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