In the stars/ Fw

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Warnings: Death, crying, blood lost, killing spell, really sad, battle of Hogwards, war

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Warnings: Death, crying, blood lost, killing spell, really sad, battle of Hogwards, war.
A/n: Hi my loves! This is a imagine from a song. In the stars by Benson Boone. Sorry for this why do I even do this to myself🥺. I want to cry for this I'm sorry but this is really sad. Enjoy!

Summary: Fred dies in the war. After his death you try to kill the death ether that killed him but then he kills you... Enjoy!
Words count: 926
You, George and Fred had been friends for a long time now. Every since the day in first year you met on the train. Soon you realised you felt 'something' for Fred. He was so handsome, funny and caring. Before you even realised it you fall hard for Fredrick Weasley. Later in 6 th year Fred finally manned up and asked you out to the Yule ball. Of course you said yes as you felt something for him too. Soon enough you started dating and that's was really the best day. When you started dating the one you had a crush on since you were 11. Four years later the battle of Hogwards came something you really did not looked forward to. It was horrible and you were worried something bad would happen to either George or Fred. Seeing them dead or hurt would broke your heart in million pieces. You sat on the train and bit on your nails.
"Darling?" Fred asked
"Stop biting your nails. Everything is going to be okay. Get some rest, I will be here." You cuddled closer to Fred. As you fall asleep in his arms he kissed your forehead and talked quietly with George.
"Love we're are here now." Fred said. You woke up as you looked up in those lovely hazel eyes. You nodded as Fred took your hand and then you got of the train. Hogwards the castle that was your second home, where you met and became friends with both George and Fred. Where you fall in love everything was there. And now you were about to see all that destroyed in just one day. You looked up as you saw the adults cast spells to build a protection around Hogwards.
"They never learn." Voldemort said.
"Begin." As all the death ethers cast spells on the protection Voldemort did it for him own. There you saw the protection of your school slowly ripped apart .
"Darling everything is going to be alright okay." You nodded still not quite sure of what Fred told you.
"Are you okay Freddie?"
"Yeah you?"
"Me too."
"And you Y/n?" Both of them asked.
"Worried and a bit scared but I'm okay." George hugged you and Fred kissed you like he never did before. You were scared but you wanted to battle and help all of your friends and family.
"We keep us together right?" You asked Fred.
"Always darling." He took your hand as you start to run. But a big explosion tied you, George and Fred apart.
"Meet in the great hall darling?"
"Okay love you."
"Love you too." You saw the love of your life fading away between all the people that run from the explosion. It sure did killed a lot of people you were only lucky it didn't killed you. You didn't want to meet Fred in the hall. You searched for him to help him if there was something wrong or if he needed help. There a death ether stand and you saw Fred's lifeless body on the ground.
"How dear you." You hissed.
"Sectrumsempra." You cast the spell and the death ether fall of the blood lost.
"Please be okay Freddie you promised. That we would meet in great hall Freddie please." You sobbed but it was no answer there was the love of your life killed at the age of 20. George came and he saw you sobbing. Then he realised you hugged his twin a tear rolled down George cheeks. As he picked Fred's deadbody from the ground. When you had gotten into the Great hall he gently put Fred down. All the Weasleys were crying over Fred's body.
"I don't wanna say good bye cause this one means forever... Now you in the stars as 6 feet never felt so far... Here I am alone between the heavens and the embers. Oh it hurt so hard for a million different reason, you took the best of my heart. And left the rest in pieces..." You cried out.
"I'm so sorry Y/n." Molly said. You walked away to that death ether that killed your boyfriend.
"How dear you kill my boyfriend you screamed. He had somehow healed him self. He smirked.
"Avdra kadbra." (Sorry for the spelling). A green light casted from his wand as you got hit. Your body fell to the ground.
"Y/n?" George saw the death ether with a smirk he killed the death ether.
"No no no not you too." He cried.
You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces...
Part two??
A/n: This was sooo sad🥺. I can do a part two of you want? If you want a part two then please comment. Anyways I hope you you all liked this one. For now I will take a short break. I will probably be back in the end of the week. Hope you all understand, anyways love you all hope you all will have a great day. Take care.
Love G Xx.

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