Lost end/ James

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Tw: metal break downs, car crash, blood, alcohol, death. Night mares and smoking.
A/n: Hi loves I'm trying to write a tw imagine I'm not good at this stuff but I try anyways! If you are sensitive you should maybe just skip this imagine because it's a tragic story. I don't know if I will post this today (Monday) or it will be out tomorrow I just feel this is going to be a long one. And we see if I have energy enough to write all this probably not. Sorry for that one but when I write I lay so much energy on it because it takes a lot of energy for me to write stuff and especially long one. This won't have any pictures sorry I just feeling that isn't fit in this imagine. I hope you understand but it will be out tomorrow afternoon. Hope you all like this imagine enjoy.

This is a story about you and James one day you drive but something happened to you and your unborn child. What happen to your lovely husband when he lost the love of his life and his only child that hasn't born yet? (Omg I'm already thinking this is so hard to write. That's why I don't like writing this stuff but I do it anyways.)
Love G Xx.
Words count:1138
You and your husband James were soon going to get a little daughter. You were 6 months pregnant. And you were so excited to meet the little girl. You had a feeling she was going to a daddy's girl because James often talked to your stomach. That showed how much he already loved your daughter. They had made a bond even before she was born. James were so excited to be a father so he couldn't not wait anymore.
"I'm so excited to see her!"
"Me too it's only 3 months left darling then she will come out. Then we can finally meet her!"
"Yes love."
But little did James know he was never going to meet his daughter and lost his lovely wife for ever.
"I'm just going to shop a bit I will come back soon."
"Okay love drive safely."
"I will."
You got into the car and drove for about a half hour. Then you came to the store. You shopped some things and then it was time to drive home. But after 15 minutes of driving. Something went really wrong. It was a drunk driver in the traffic that drove incredibly fast he had big control over the car you tried to not be near him. But soon he lost the control of the car. Bang and he crash right into your car. Your side of the car was completely destroyed.
"Call the ambulance quick!" Someone said. The ambulance came as fast as possible. When you came into the hospital you got hooked up in all this machines. Then the doctors see if they could save your life. They then called James.
"James Phelps."
"Hi Mr Phelps. Emmh this is hard for me to explain but I'm a doctor and your wife were in a car crash."
"I know what you said can I come?"
James went out of the car he had tears in his eyes he couldn't think of the thought of losing you. He just couldn't. He drove to the hospital and went in.
"Hi what can I help you with?" The lady asked.
"I'm James Phelps my wife is here."
"Oh yes Mr Phelps please fallow me."
"Thank you."
It came a long corridor that it felt like you were going for hours. After a couple of minutes they came to your room. She opened the door were you still were hooked up in all those machines. James warhead his wife with tears rinning down his eyes.
"Will- will she die?"
"Mr Phelps your wife has lost a lot of blood. The baby she had is dead I'm sorry. We aren't sure if we can save your wife."
"Please there have to be some way please."
They looked at you one last time to check of there was something that could save you. But sadly it didn't.
"We are terribly sorry Mr Phelps but we can't save her."
James began to cry.
"We are so sorry we let you take your good bye. She isn't dead yet but there is nothing we can do. We are so sorry." She said and left the room.
"Lovely?" He said crying.
"Please let this be a really terrible night mare please." He saw that your breathing slowed down. But in some way you opened your eyes weakly.
"Hi Jamsie."
"You are here you really are here!"
"Oh James my love I need to go. You need to let me go."
"No love!"
"Promise me you will move on and get a family as you always wanted. Make sure to take care of your children and your wife."
"No love."
Then you shut your eyes and stopped breathing.
"NO NO lovely!" He said crying he couldn't control his tears they didn't stop he was crying so much that he berly couldn't breathe.
"Lovely..." He had lost you lost his love he had lost everything on just a night. But did he listen to you and moved on? No he didn't. He couldn't move on he just couldn't make him self to do so. James often had mental break downs and night mares about your death. The only thing that keeped him going was Oliver.
"Mate you need to move on you know she wanted you to do so!" James couldn't control him self anymore. He drank a lot almost every day he was ether drunk or he slept and cried all the day. The only thing that helped him to not break down every day was the drinking and smoking he drank away his feelings and smoked all of his tears dry. He was a completely disaster without you. He looked at a picture on the night stand of you and James. He felt hot tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I miss you so much my love! I miss you every day I just wish that you come back. I need you my love." He said and let a few more tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I love you Y/n always and forever."

A/n: Yay it coming out before I thought! I hate my self for this one. 😭 I hated writing this it's so sad. But I hope you al like it. I will try to post in the afternoon but I can't promise to do that. But I will try. And I give a happy one! Anyways hope you all like it. Take care.
Love G Xx.

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