"One day you understand"/ James

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Tw: What to kill yourself, mental break downs, dizziness, bad headaches, starving

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Tw: What to kill yourself, mental break downs, dizziness, bad headaches, starving.
A/n: Hi loves today I'm going to write about another diagnose I have anyways it can be little hard to understand but I will try. Don't read this if you are sensitive. Hope you all enjoy this imagine. And please don't judge me for this because it's really hard. I hate to be diagnosed with it. It's not fun at all believe me.
Good to know:
You and James are 25.
Migraine is really bad headache is like to have two times headache.
You got the diagnose when you were 14. (I got my first when I was 12 but got it diagnosed when I was 14.)
Migraine is just for 6 hours. (But you can get headache after that.)
One more thing you are also diagnosed with daily headache. It's not the same, daily headache is when you have headache three days in a row three months after each other. (I have it also anyways now we start!)
Y/b/n: Your big brother's name
Y/m/n: Your middle name

You got diagnosed with migraine when you were 14. But you really didn't want to tell no one about it. But one day when you got a migraine James your husband find out you were diagnosed with it.
Words count: 2111
When you were 14 you got diagnosed with migraine. You really felt bad about it. It took really hard on you since every time you had it. You were also very dizzy, it wasn't fun at all. Laing in the bed in a dark room in six hours because you can't do anything else. How fun is that.
A/n: I just saying is boring and you really can't even go outside. Because then it only became worse!
You didn't tell James because you didn't want him to worry. And you really didn't want to say it. James and you had been married for 4 years and you still haven't told him. But you really loved each other's, but when James get to know this he of course get really worried for you. You had migraine a day and just didn't want to tell James. What if he didn't want to be with you just because of your diagnose.
"Hi love."
"Hi." You muttered.
"What is it darling?"
"Nothing really." You said quality.
"Okay. Very well darling I going to talk to Oliver. Love you." He said and kissed the top of your head.
"Love you too." You said quality.
He went into his room and filming another episode with his brother. You heard a lot of lathing.
A/n: When you have it you are really sensitive for light and sounds.
After a half and hour you couldn't take it anymore and knocked on the door.
"Come in." James said lathing a bit.
"Oh hi love, what can I do for you?" He asked.
"James could you be a little more quiet please. I'm trying to sleep." You lied to him. It wasn't good to lie to him about it. But what were you going to say you had no idea.
"Sure thing love." He said smiling.
After another 10 minutes you heard him lath loudly again.
You got up and decided to ask him again.
"Hi Y/n." Oliver said from the camera.
"Hi." You said quietly.
"Love you are acting strange today are you sure you are okay?" He said.
"Love you can tell me everything you know that right?"
"I know. I'm taking a nap."
"Sure love."
You weren't lying this time you were actually really tired.
After 10 minutes you woke up of lathing.
James POV
"James Y/n is sleeping."
"Oh right." I said chuckling.
"James I'm serious she needs to sleep didn't you see how tired she was?"
"Common Oliver it's that bad she slept the whole night." I said.
"I'm not so sure about that."
Y/n came in.
"Hi darling!"
"I think I should go to my brother."
"Why is that?" I asked confused.
"Because James I can't sleep here. And I slept like 1 hour this night I need some sleep."
"But love I didn't-"
"Bye." She just left.
"James go after her I think she needs you."
"Yeah thanks bye Oliver."
"Darling wait!"
"What?" She said quietly.
"I'm so sorry my love! I should have noticed that you were tired. Please we can go to bed if you want, we can cuddle. Love please.
"I want to be alone James."
Writers POV
This broke James heart he really wanted to be with you. But you just wanted to rest and try to get that dam headache away.
"But love-"
You didn't really think and gave your wedding ring to James. Of course you didn't think properly, you just wanted to be alone. You didn't mean to do this but you needed to be for yourself for a while.
"Love please. I can't lose you love. I-I'm so sorry my love but please."
"James I go with my brother for a while." He started to sob.
"Please Y/n please."
"Y/n Y/m/n Phelps common you are slow."
"Bye James."
After three days you went back to James.
"I'm so sorry James!"
"No love I'm sorry." He hugged you tightly.
He went down on one knee, and took out the ring out of his pocket.
"I have done this before but would you be my wife again."
You lathed a bit.
"James I never stopped being your wife."
He pulled you into a long passionate kiss.
"I love you Y/n so much."
"I love you too."
They day after you got another attack of migraine. Then you started to sob and broke down. You didn't want to have it again. James came into the door.
"Love? Why are you crying?"
"I-I." You couldn't get anything out not even a word.
"It's okay my love come here." He said and pulled you into a long sweet hug.
"Can you tell me what is wrong?" You slowly nodded your head no.
"But please my love. I want to make sure that you are okay."
You rubbed your red eyes and got up to your bed room.
You softly laid on your bed and closed your eyes.
James POV
"I don't know what is wrong with her she won't tell me." I explain to Oliver.
"Have you asked her doctor?"
"Oh that's was a good idea thanks!"
"No problem just be careful okay."
"Yes Oliver bye."
"Bye brother."
Oliver's idea to actually go and ask her doctor was a good idea maybe they knew what was wrong. So I decided to call them and get a time to talk in one hour. 30 minutes later I went to the car and drove away maybe I could finally get told what I was doing wrong or how she felt. I waited for a couple of minutes.
"James Phelps."
"Yes." I said and stand up.
In the room.
"So why are you here?"
"I'm here because of my wife."
"Oh yeah Y/n she is a nice person."
"Yeah I was just wondering she has been kind of distant. I'm just worried something is wrong, she haven't talk as much as she use to do. She is just sad and down all the time."
"Don't you know?"
"Don't I know what?"
"Y/n got diagnosed with migraine when she was 14."
What. My heart completely broke how couldn't she tell me she is my wife. Why didn't she tell me she had that. I want to make sure she is safe and good. But no she wasn't and she never told me why.
"You mean she didn't told you?"
"No...." I said quality.
"This should probably be a shock for you."
"Yes indeed it was. I can't believe she didn't told me. I mean I'm her husband."
"I believe she didn't want you to get worried for her. Or think that she is weak."
"But she knows that I doesn't think like that. I'm her husband it's my job to get worried for her and protect her." She lathed a bit.
"You should really talk to your wife."
"I'm thank you."
"Thank you Mr Phelps it was really nice to meet you. And I'm so thankful that you are this good husband to Y/n she really deserves the best." I blushed a bit of the comment.
"Thank you. Bye."
I drove home, I was thinking maybe Y/n had migraine that was probably why. But I really wanted to know why she didn't tell me.
"Darling I'm home." I heard nothing for a relay. So I went into the bed room.
"Hi my love. Could we talk...?"
She softly nodded.
"I have been worried for you my love. You have been so quiet. So I asked your doctor."
"Did you ask my doctor?"
"Because I was worried my love. You wouldn't talk to me!"
"James please there is a reason I don't want to tell you." She said quietly.
"I know, but please my love. You know you can tell me anything I'm your husband."
"I know..."
"And I love you so much Y/n so so much. I would leave you for anything in the world! Please."
She broke down crying.
"Oh love."
I hugged her.
"James I have wanting to die. I have wanting to hurt my self. I staved my self James just because I thought it was good."
"Lovely. You can always be with me. Okay, you can always come to me. I won't judge you."
"And please don't stare your self darling. I'm always here. I love you and you don't need to change anything okay." I said.
"James I-."
"I know my love. I know that you have migraine. Just tell me next time okay. I love you more then this world I love you more then life. I want you to tell me next time. Darling please say something." I said and looked down at her still hugging her.
She just sobbed.
"Sh sh darling everything will be just fine I promise. I love you so so much."
"But James it's over 10 years! It's better now then it was when I was a teenager but still." She sobbed.
"See look at the bright side you are better you don't have it so often as before. I love you so much darling so so much."
She didn't say anything.
"Please darling I-."
She cut me off by kissing my lips, I bite her bottom lip asking for more intense. She opened her mouth and our tongues were in sync. We were probably snogging for a long time.
Then she pulled away.
"I love you James so so much."
"I love you too darling always and forever. And please come to me when you don't feel good or want to hurt yourself okay."
She softly nodded.
"I'm tired." She said quietly.
"We can go to bed my love." I pixie her up and cared her to our bed and laid her down.
"There you go lovely." She was already asleep I smiled to my self and kissed her forehead. I laid covers on her and kissed her forehead on more time. Before I went to get my self ready for bed. After that I went to the bed and laid down.
"I love you so much my darling so much. Good night have sweet dreams."
"I love you too. Good night have sweet dreams." She replied quietly. I smiled and after a couple of minutes I fall asleep for my self hoping one day we would have a family. Maybe that day would come soon. Even if we didn't really talked about children I wanted to have at least 3 I hope she wanted it too. When she is fine I'm fine. She is the best thing that could ever happened to me. I'm so glad that I can forever and always call her my wife. And maybe someday I will be able to get children and have a great life together. That was my dream and it was soon coming to be true.
A/n: Hi loves! I'm so sorry for not posting. I posted this even if I still have headache I felt bad. But I still hope you all like this imagine. James is so sweet in this imagine! Have you guys any ideas for imagines then please tell me! I love you all take care and hope you all have a great day.
Love G Xx.

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