Cheating pt 2 of love potion/ Gw and Fw

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Warnings: cheating, mention of cheating, sad, sadness, crying, self hard, mention of self harm, love potion, mention of sex, sex (not actually smut) (Think that was all:)

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Warnings: cheating, mention of cheating, sad, sadness, crying, self hard, mention of self harm, love potion, mention of sex, sex (not actually smut) (Think that was all:).
A/n: Hi my loves! I'm so sorry for not posting! As I said my mental health is really bad. But I have finally some energy to post again! We will see how much I will post can't promise something sorry. This is pt two of my series! Anyways hadn't really much to say. Hope you all like this imagine!
Good to know:
Y/b/n: Your brother's name (if you don't have a brother just come up with a name if your chose:).

Summary: George and Fred cheat on you. But it was the love potion.

Words count: 1,461

Fred: After you had slept you never expected what was going to happen

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After you had slept you never expected what was going to happen. Fred had fallen out of love. And fall for someone new. But to your worry it was Alicia's work.
"I need to go." Fred said.
"But Freddie. Please where are you going?"
"To my girlfriend."
"But I'm here."
"What do you mean I do not even know you. What are you even doing here?" You felt tears in your eyes. Fred had forgotten you. The love potion didn't just make Fred fall for someone else, it made him forget you. Fred Weasley the one you never thought was going to leave you but in fact that was just what he did... Everything was going to be alright you though for your self. But you really didn't know he just left...
"Y/n what is the matter?"
"Fred just went to Katie."
"Why would he do that he is completely smitten about you."
"Not anymore." You mumbled.
"I'm so sorry Y/n I will talk to him I promise."
"Thanks Georgie."
"No problem". He kissed your forehead sweetly even if you and George wasn't lovers the two of you were very close. You had been best friends for a very long time now. And you could always count with each other's. Fred was the love of your life you couldn't lost him you just couldn't. He hadn't broke up with you yet so if he would kiss someone else or go to someone else that would still be cheating. Tears was welling from your eyes realising that Fred didn't love you. You were so in love with Fred and you love him so much. He had been gone for hours so you decided to find him. But when you did you immediately didn't want to see it. It couldn't be true it just couldn't.
He was actually kissed Katie. You felt the tears rolling down your eyes he was cheating on you. Fred Weasley the love of your life was now kissing someone else. Everything was just gone Fred was in love with someone else. You couldn't even look him in his beautiful hazel eyes.
"Who is this. She destroy our love Freddie."
"Go away." He said coldly. He wasn't him self that's for sure. Fred would never do that not even to someone he didn't know. He was always so kind and friendly even if he didn't know the person. So there was something that had changed. The tears was now rolling down your cheeks and you couldn't stop it anymore.
"Y/n?" Fred was now see you crying and realised it was you. But it was too late you were already gone. He felt so bad to broke your heart. He had just broke your heart into a thousand pieces but he couldn't do anything about it... You were gone...
A/n: Hi loves now this part is done! I'm sorry if it bad. Next part would be up as soon as I can.

George: You never thought that George would actually cheat on you

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You never thought that George would actually cheat on you. He was so in love with you it was almost impossible to think that he would cheat on you. But Alicia was sure a problem. He was also in love with George and she would do anything to get him to be in love with him too. But you would absolutely broke if he cheated on you. You knew you were going to do terrible things to your self. If you did so. The thing was George had gotten into his office and you began to wonder why it took so long time for him. As you knocked on the door you heard moanig. And your heart completely broke you knew Fred wasn't there so it was for sure just George who could be there. He didn't just kissed her he could even have sex with her. The tears was rolling and rolling you couldn't stop them. This hurt in a way you never thought was going to hurt that much. How could even something hurt that bad. You just wanted to kill your self even how bad it did sound you didn't want to live without George. He was the only thing that would make you keep going. Somehow he could always get you to smile and be happy even how sad you were. You decided to pack your thing was what the matter to stay anyways. You couldn't watch George being happy with someone else. It hurt too much to see him do that. So you just decided it hurt less to leave. Even if that hurt more then you could ever expected. Leaving George was something you never thought you were going to do.
"Where are you going?" Fred asked you confused. As you had a bag with you.
"Freddie I'm sorry but- George- he-he cheated- cheated on- on- m-e."
"He did what?" The tears was streaming down your eyes.
"I just can't stay here Fred I'm sorry. I just can't see George be with another girl."
"I understand." He hugged you to comfort you.
"By Freddie I'm going to miss you."
"I will miss you too Y/n. Please take care of your self." Fred knew you used to cut and hurting your self before you met George. But when you fall in love with him all of that stopped. So what were you supposed to do now. When you hadn't George anymore. When you came home to your brother's house you were for sure more then welcome.
"Y/n what do you do here?"
"Emmh well..." You sobbed.
"You don't need to tell me now if you don't want to. That's okay, you are always welcome here."
"Thanks y/b/n."
"No problem Y/n I will always be here for you." You hugged him and he hugged you back.
"I love you."
"I love you too Y/n."
Directly when you got up to your room you began crying again. Picking the knife on your desk and began cutting into your sore skin. As you cried for your self. You really missed George...
A/n: This is so bad! Anyways the end of part two with theses series with George! I will post as soon as I can.

George and Fred:I'm so sorry but this would be short:(

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George and Fred:
I'm so sorry but this would be short:(.
The feeling to lost George and Fred, was going to hurt. It was one thing you knew for sure. You loved them so much and to lost them would absolutely broke you. You had going out shopping with your friends but when you came back to the shop. It was so quiet you didn't though you had came back to the right place.
"Georgie Freddie where are you?" You began to worry because you didn't know where they went. Then you decided to walk into your sheared but as fast as you walked in you didn't ever want to see that again. George and Fred was moanig with over Katie and Alicia they were having sex. Your heart completely broke why would they ever do that to you... After you left the love potion were off.
"Why are we here?"
"Oh we used love potion on you."
"Where is Y/n?"
"You see she saw us having sex." They said with a evil grin.
"We had what?"
"We had sex."
"We hate you. Do you know how much we live Y/n we want to marry her. Have children with her. But now it's too late."
They had to find you. But was it too late to get you back?...
A/n: Hi my loves. I'm so sorry for not posting. I have just a lot in school and my mental health is really bad now. But I really try to write anyways! Thank you so much for 7k and I know this sucked but hope you all still liked it. Hope you have a great weekend! Take care and I love you all!
Love G Xx.

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