Your love/ Oliver

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Warnings: Tw: sadness, death, car crash, blood lost, bleeding, fainting, argument, hard feelings, crying

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Warnings: Tw: sadness, death, car crash, blood lost, bleeding, fainting, argument, hard feelings, crying. It's really sad, maybe a little bit smut( I don't know).
A/n: Hi loves a new imagine! This one is about Oliver! Hope you all like it! Enjoy. This is a long imagine so be comfortable! Don't read this if you are sensitive because is really sad. A gif on Georgie! :) THANK YOU FOR 880 readers!!! Do you think I could get 900 before my birthday? It is 17 November. That would make me really happy! I'm so thankful! I love you all! Enjoy!
Good to know:
Lewin is your son he is 3 later after a couple years he is six.
Miracle and Luna is twins and later you get pregnant with them. You will understand why both of them named miracle.
You are also pregnant with your second child. But Oliver didn't know that. Because you just find out.
Alice had been your friend since you were kids. Her nickname is Al.
Y/n/n: Your nickname
Y/f/n: Your best girl friends name
Y/f/n/n: Your best girl friends nickname.
Later you and Oliver will have four children and three dogs. And live near the ocean!


You and Oliver have been married for six years but one day you both have a argument. What if you never come back home again... This story is based on a second life. That if you had been good in your life you can come back as the same person.

Words count: 8034😭
Writers POV
You and Oliver was happily married for a couple of years. You both loved each other dearly and could never thought of the feelings to lost each other's. But like every couple you had fights but this fight wasn't like normal you guys had. You had never been that angry or sad on each other's. Oliver wasn't home and the clock was 2 am in the morning. He hadn't come home yet. You started to worry for him, where is he where could he went? After a half and hour you heard the keys open the door. You knew it was Oliver because he was the only one to have a key to your house.
"Where have you been?" You asked him.
"Just out with some friends." He replied simply. The thing was that this wasn't the first time Oliver came home late. He was almost never home, he was working hard and on the weekends he was out with friends. This had been up for a couple of months and you really started to get mad. You took care of your three year old son all by yourself. And you started to get pissed at Oliver because he was never home to help you. In a relationship you are going to help each other's right? So one day you had finally enough and decided to talk to Oliver about it. This day he come home late too. But you decided to stay up because it was time to say something since this has been going on for a couple of weeks. He locked up the door and went into your house.
"Hi love why up so late?" He asked you.
"Oliver we need to talk." You said seriously.
"Emmh sure love just let me eat something." After a while he was done eating.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
"Oliver for the last couple of weeks you haven't been home. I know you are working but I'm too. I can't be the only one who is taking care of our child. If you aren't working you are out with your friends. Do you know how hard it is for me to lie to our son about where his dad is?"
"Y/n I need some break after all work don't you understand that?"
"I do but why can't you just rest home? I'm alone with our son all the time. Do you know how manny times he ask. 'Where is daddy mummy.' And do you know how manny times I have to lie to him? That is a lot of times Oliver."
"I'm not allowed to enjoy my self?"
"Of course but-"
"There is no buts Y/n." Oliver screamed with made you flinch. You had tears in your eyes Oliver had never screamed at you before so you were really scared.
"Love I'm-"
But before he could say something you took a bad and you car keys.
"Darling you couldn't possibly drive now. Please love I'm sorry I promise I will spend more time with you." You didn't listen to him.
"Y/n please."
You left and drove away after a half an hour you still wasn't home with made Oliver really worried for you. He tried to call you but you ring signal went of in the other room with means you had your phone left home. But Oliver hadn't the thought of there was going to happen something to you.
He really started to get worried but he thought maybe set on the tv to calm down a bit. The news went on.
"This night a really sad car crash happened two people died and five got hurt." The reporter said. Oh no could you possibly be in that crash? That made Oliver really worried. His wife could be in a car crash maybe you could had die of it since they said is was two people that died.
The crash.
You were on the way home. You had finally come down but then there was a car that drove really fast. The car driver was drunk and he drove right into your car and another one. You heard a child crying and you immediately felt like you needed to help the kid. But the blood run down your head and you had a big scar across your stomach. No no no no your child could no no no no it couldn't be dead. You also had broken a few ribs and had lost a lot of blood. You felt like you were going to faint but you at least got out of the car because you wanted to save that child. You picked a two year old little girl up she had also a scar on her head before you collapsed on the ground making everything go black.
The doctors didn't knew how you could get out from the car and saved that girl. Because you were really hurt. But you just somehow saved the little girls life.
Back to the tv
"So we have a woman here that had just lost her husband. We are trying to calm her down."
"Where is my daughter?" She asked she had a broken arm but there was nothing that was really bad.
"Mam she is at the hospital."
"Is she alive?" She asked worried.
"Both of your children are at the hospital."
"Thank you." There was one that drove her to the hospital. Soon after he saw that he started to really get worried.
He hears his phone ring. He didn't know the number but he answered any ways.
"Oliver." He said.
"Hi are you Oliver Phelps?" The girl asked in the phone.
"Emmh yes."
"I'm so sorry to call you this late at night but your wife is at the hospital." Oliver felt tears streaming down his cheeks the worst thing just happened. You were in that car crash.
"Mr Phelps are you okay?" She asked. What was that for a stupid question. Saying that your wife is at the hospital then you aren't okay?
"Emmh can I meet her?" He asked shaking.
"Yes you can." She replied.
"Emmh thanks." He said.
"Bye Mr Phelps." He ended the call and picked Lewin out of bed.
"Daddy where are we going?" He asked.
"To mummy." He mumbled.
He went into the car and drove away to the hospital.
He went into the hospital.
"Hi what can I help you with?" The one in the respirator said.
"Y/n Phelps."
"Are you someone that is related to her?" She asked.
"No but my name is Oliver Phelps she is my wife."
"Oh sorry Mr Phelps of course room 208. And who is this cutie?" She asked and looked at Lewin.
"That is Lewin our son." He replied.
"He is very cute."
"Thanks." Oliver took Lewins hand and went to the room.
"Daddy where is mummy?" He asked.
"We are soon going to see her." When Oliver talked you could hear on his voice that he was stressed. He find the room.
"Hi." A doctor said.
"So are you related to Mrs Phelps."
"Well no but I'm his husband."
"Oh well Mr Phelps please come in." She said.
He saw you in all of this machines.
"Omg." He said and sat on your bed.
"I'm so sorry Mr Phelps. She isn't good." She said sadly. He just looked down at the floor.
"She was very brave." A girl said it was the same girl that you saved life on.
"Who are you?" Oliver asked.
"Oh my name is Willow."
"I know you are sad because of your wife. But your wife saved my life."
(Think that this child is two. So she is probably not really good at talking😂 anyways back to the story.)
"How is that?" Oliver asked her.
"Well my big brother, mum and dad where in that car crash too. Both my dad and big brother sadly they are gone. I don't know what happened but the are gone. But if you wife didn't go out of the car and helped me out I would probably be gone too for some reason." Oliver knew exactly what she meant. (I don't think children of that age understand that kind of situation.)
"Did she do that?" He asked.
"Yes indeed she did."
"Daddy why is mummy bad?" Lewin asked.
"She is resting mate." Oliver said to Lewin he didn't want to say anything since he probably wouldn't understand death. Oliver looked sadly at you.
'Oh love I'm so so sorry.' He whispered to you.
Oliver let a tear fall down his cheek.
"Daddy why are you crying?" Lewin asked.
"Lewin I can tell when you get older." A doctor came into the room.
"I'm terribly sorry Mr Phelps but the child is dead."
"Which child?" He asked confused.
"You didn't know?"
"Didn't know what?"
"Mr Phelps your wife was pregnant. But she was really early I think she just find out about it."
Oliver POV
My wife was pregnant no no no. I just lost a child and the chance for my wife to live was less then 10%. No no no no I just can't lose them both I just can't. Please Y/n you need to wake up please Y/n please.
Writers POV
He held your hand then he felt you squeeze his hand. He looked at you and you opened you eyes.
"Darling." Oliver cried of joy. He hugged you tightly.
"Oh sorry love I just thought you would die. Never do that ti me again okay."
"I'm so sorry Ollie for everything." You said weakly.
"No no no it was my fault I love you so much Y/n so so much."
"I love you too idiot." You replied and lathed a bit but it hurt for you to lath so you stopped. You just smiled to your husband that you had loved for so manny years.
"Mummy." Lewin said
Oliver picked him up and you hugged him and kissed him.
"Mummy loves you."
"Love you too mummy." Lewin said.
"I'm sorry Ollie but I will leave."
"No darling please you can't leave me please."
"I'm to bad Ollie I love you." Oliver kissed your cold lips before you took the last breath. Oliver started crying.
"I'm so sorry for your lost Mr Phelps.
After your death Oliver was broken he thought it was his fault that you died.
Years later
He and Lewin went to your grave.
Y/n Phelps
28/5 1986- 11/2 2018
Beloved wife mother and sister.
'I miss you.' Oliver whispered to him self.
"We should go now." James said. James knew how much his brother missed you. He missed you dearly too you were his best friend and he lost you. Think of Oliver that lost his wife and his un born child at the same time. You and Oliver always wanted a big family. So if you were alive now you would probably had a least three children together. But you passed away before your dreams came true. It was a terrible lost. Would you ever come back? Of course you couldn't or could you.
A/n: Okay a short a/n I know you can't come back from death but in this story you can okay. Great back to the story.
You felt a strange feeling in your stomach like you were going to live again. You felt so alive but you didn't know if you were. You went and felt the soft water slip on your finger tips. It was you living like a normal person. That time you also realised that your child was alive to inside of you. Of smile at the thought of you and your child was alive. It was sure a miracle that happened. You really wanted to see your son and Oliver again. So you thought maybe you would go back to your house and surprise them or would that be strange after all dose years but you really wanted to do it because you missed them dearly. So you decided that you were finally going to meet them again.
You went to your house and you got tears in your eyes of what you had missed so much. You knocked the door. After a couple of minutes a young boy opened the door.
"Emmh hi." He said.
"Who are you?" The boy asked. You knew it was Lewin because he looked like Oliver but you almost forgot he was so young when you passed away. He didn't have so many memories of you since he just were there years when you passed away and now he was six.
"Lewin who is it?" A male voice said. You knew it was Oliver you just wanted to go into the house and hug Oliver but you knew you couldn't do that.
"Yeah who are you?" The boy asked again.
"Well it's hard to explain but my name is Y/n." Of course Lewin knew about his mother since Oliver told him about you. So he knew what happened to you and what's your name was.
"That's a beautiful name. My mother was named the same." He replied with a smile. You immediately smiled when you saw the smile on your son face that you haven't seen for a long time.
Sooner or later a dog came. And it barked. You looked at the collar.
They had named the dog after you. It was a german shepherd. You got tears in your eyes knowing they had named the dog after you.
"Yeah her name is also Y/n." The boy said with a smile.
After that Oliver came.
His eyes went wide.
"Y/n-" He couldn't believe his eyes.
"But how do you-" He stuttered out.
"Dad who is this?" Lewin asked his father. Oliver couldn't get a good word out of his mouth.
"I don't know Ollie but the good thing I'm here now." You replied and gave him a smile he had missed for so manny years.
"Dad?" Lewin asked his father but he was still in shock. I mean who wouldn't be in shock.
"I'm your mother." You said and smiled at your son. Your sons face immediately light up.
"Are you really?" You nodded. Lewin pulled you into a hug feeling your sons hug against your body was the most beautiful feeling. You had missed him so much you couldn't believe you finally able to see him. After a long hug you pulled away. Oliver didn't waste a minute more he just run and hugged you tightly.
"Never do that again okay." Oliver said with tears in his eyes.
"I can't promise anything."
"You have to promise my love." He said into your hair still holding you close.
"I love you Ollie."
"I love you so much Y/n you don't understand how much I love you." After a long hug you finally pulled away you kissed him. Missing dose soft lips to kiss him was to be in haven. A beautiful feeling that warmed you up even the coldest winter night. After a couple of seconds you pulled away.
"The baby is alive." You replied and set your hand on your stomach. Oliver cried out of happiness that both you and the baby had come back to him.
"What do you mean baby?" Your son asked confused.
"You see before I died I was pregnant with your little sibling. But the baby died in the car crash but the baby was able to came here with me. You said and smiled at your son. Your sons face immediately light up he had always wanted a sibling but wasn't able to get one. It wasn't really funny to be all alone he really wanted someone to be with beside form his friends at school.
A couple of months later
It was the first time you were going to look at your baby both you and Oliver was really excited to see it. Oliver asked James to watch over Lewin when you were gone. So he did Lewin and James was very close to each other and liked to play football together. (For my American readers it means soccer.)
You both jumped into the car and Oliver drove to the hospital to your first check up.
You wanted in the waiting room a couple of minutes.
"Y/n Phelps." A doctor said.
"Yes." You replied.
"Come with me please." The doctor said and you and Oliver fall after the doctor.
"So you are here to check pregnancy right?"
"Yes." The doctor fixed the things and started to look at the monitor. (Or what it called I don't know? Anyways I hope you understand what I mean.)
The doctor smiled while looking at the monitor.
"Congratulations you are pregnant with twins." The doctor said and smiled. You started get tears in your eyes you where going to get twins you were pregnant with two babies!

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