Muggle film marathon / Gw

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Request by: 💗💗💗Warnings: None that I could think of

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Request by: 💗💗💗
Warnings: None that I could think of.
A/n: Hello my loves! Now it's time for my request I will do the request that I have been given! Do you have any ideas for James or Fred? Then please comment! Okay I know this is a weird name but I didn't came up with anything better. Anyways I hope you all like this! Enjoy!

Summary: You are muggelborn and you show George some of your favourite muggle films. Enjoy!

Okay I just have to apologise I don't I'm really good at films. I have seen a lot of films but not really that many you can have marathon of.
Good to know:
Y/f/f: Your favourite film (if it's Harry Potter take the one after that)

Words count: 535
You had attended Hogwards when you were 11 as a muggelborn. The world of wizardry and madic was a whole new place for you. You met George and Fred that soon became your friends. However you always had feelings for George. Soon enough you fall in love with him. After a lot of days trying to tell your self to tell him. You finally did, after that the both of you started dating. Dating George was the best decision you ever had made. He was the most sweetest guy and you loved him. However one day you decided you wanted to show him how you grew up. With all the muggle films and introduced him to the world of muggle films.
"Darling it's really that many films." He asked super shocked.
"You sound so shocked Georgie." You lathed he absolutely melt at the sight of your smile. He was so madly in love with you that he couldn't stop him self for doing so.
"What are you looking at?" You asked him.
"You." He smiled.
"And why is that?"
"You are so beautiful my darling. Do you know that?"
You lathed a bit and hugged George.
You really wanted to say the three words to him. But what if he didn't say it back. Then you would have been broke.
"Let's watch films." You said all of excitement. He lathed as you set on y/f/f. You cuddled close to George and it was so cozy. (Think sitting with George like that🥺)
You all watched so many films and had film marathon. Then you realised you hadn't showed him Harry Potter. He was even a part of it.
"Georgie wanna see something?"
"Everything you want to see darling." You smiled at him warmly and played Harry Potter. He looked all shocked when he saw George. And you just lathed.
"So you mean you knew me before I even-"
"Yep. I love you Georgie." His heart skipped a bit at what you said. And needed to think if he had heard it right.
"I love you more my sweet love." He kissed on the lips as you fall asleep in his arms. That was a night you would never forget.
A/n: I'm doing this to make up for not posting. Also I'm really bored so I this. I hope you all liked it. Love you all and take care.
Love G Xx.

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