Can't get my feelings for you to go away/ J

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Warnings: Tw: sad, sadness, mention of cheating

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Warnings: Tw: sad, sadness, mention of cheating.
A/n: Hi my loves I have come up with something. I know this is a strange title but who cares. Let just go with it. So I won't post tomorrow I'm sorry but maybe it will take a couple of days before I post again. I have done one of this before but you ended up with Oliver now you would end up with James! And later in this imagine he will propose to you! We are almost 2,8k thank you so so much I love you all! Anyways I really hope you all enjoy this imagine. Enjoy!
Good to know:
Y/f/n: Your best girl friends name
Benjamin or Ben for short was your ex boyfriend
Kevin Oliver's best friend
Y/n/n: Your nickname
Calum and Heaven is your two dogs.
Calum he is 2
And Heaven she is just a little puppy

James was supposed to get married to the love of his life. But you can't get your feelings go away. Enjoy!

Words count: 1,81k
Writers POV
You and Y/f/n was sitting out side of a coffee shop and whispered to each other about secrets. She knew bloody well that you liked James. And you had for a while every sine your ex boyfriend Benjamin cheated on you a couple of years ago. James was helping you to get over him and forget him. That was when you actually realised you were toatally head over heals for James. Some part of you wondered if you always had felt that kind of feelings for James. You had always liked James he was so natural and always could make you lath even how bad you ever felt. He could always make you lath. Your feelings for James only grew stronger and stronger. It wasn't really a great thing to be in love with your best friend. But you knew he would never feel the same. It was soon time for James wedding he had popped the question for a couple of months. You felt terrified to see James marry someone else. God you just now realised you had been crushing on him for so long time. He was never going to feel the same for you and that broke your heart. Oliver was the only one that knew about your crush on James.
"I'm telling you James would be so sad if you aren't coming." His brother was always telling you.
"Ollie I can not see him marry someone else. I will get too hurt to see him marry someone else."
"Please Y/n I know it hard but he is after all your best friend. And I even got a date for you if you want." You hadn't date in a while maybe it was good to take this chance to actually got out with someone.
"Who is it?"
"His name is Kevin I show him a photo of you and he thought you were cute. So I asked if he wanted to go on my brother's wedding with you." He said nervously. You couldn't believe that he was actually doing this to you he cared enough for you to actually get you a date. You thought for a while maybe that was a good idea to actually come over James. You didn't want to be hopelessly in love with someone that you knew was never going to feel the same way. It hurt you a lot but you knew that was the right thing. Y/f/n was also going to the wedding since she was a friend of James and Oliver too. She her husband and her two children. It was hard for you to go to the wedding but you decided that you would do it. James is your best friend you didn't want to miss something that's was so important to him. And I mean you don't get married that often in your life. So you agreed with Oliver and went with his friend Kevin. When you arrived to the wedding with Y/f/n and her husband. You got really nervous you were actually going to see the love of your life marry someone else. It was so hard for you, that James was going to get married to someone else. Before you even knew what love was you and James promised to be best friends forever.
Flash back from were you were kids. (Still writers POV)
You sat at the Phelps house and looked up at the night sky. It was a beautiful winter night with a lot of snow even if you didn't have any jacket on you weren't frizzing. James came out and sat behind you.
"If you don't set a jacket on you will catch a cold." The ten year old said.
"Will we be friends forever?" You asked still looking up at the beautiful stars.
He took down your cheek making you look at him.
"I promise where ever we are we are always going to be friends."
End of flash back
Still now more then 10 years later you thought of thins moment. That you always said that you are going to be friends. No no no you couldn't keep your feelings for James inside of you anymore. You had kept it long enough even it was the day he was going to get married you wanted to tell you.
"Ollie?" You asked him.
"Yeah? What is it Y/n?"
"I have to tell him." Oliver opened his mouth in shock.
"A-are you going to tell him? O- on his wedding- d- day?" He asked shocked.
"I have to Ollie I just can't keep my feelings for him away anymore. I love him."
"I know but do you really think now is the best time to tell him. Y/n he is getting married to the love of his life. Is something really special you don't do if that often you know."
"I know that Ollie but I can not lie to my self and him anymore. It kills me I have been in love with him for so long I just can't have it in my heart anymore." You run away to find James to finally tell him how you have been feeling for years.
"Y/n you are here!" He hugged you tightly.
"You- you are - very- very handsome." You stuttered out.
"Emmh thanks you are really beautiful Y/n/n."
You feel your cheeks start to burn. James just told you that you were beautiful.
"James I have to tell you something. Even if I know you would never even think about me in that way. I just have to tell you. And I'm so sorry that I tell you now on your wedding day. But seeing you get married to someone else hurt me more then I ever expected."
He looked at you kind of confused.
"I'm sorry I didn't told you before I just didn't have the currage to. James I- I'm so madly- in- in love - love with you. I- I just -." You stuttered out and began crying because you knew he was never going to feel the same. James was indeed quite shocked of what you just have told him.
"Y/n-" You just run away. It felt like you couldn't just be friends with James you wanted to be something more. But you knew that it would probably never happened because he was getting married. You run to your car and drove to your house. Almost a hour later you had returned to your house. Ten minutes later you heard a knock on the door. Your two Australian shepherd began to bark at the door.
"Shh calm down Calum calm down Heaven." You told your dogs and they stopped. You pet there heads and opens the door.
"I didn't get married." You looked shocked on him and he was really close to you. He started to lean down only leaving a couple of inches apart.
"I love you Y/n. I'm sorry that I didn't told you. But I have been in love with you for god who knows how long." You smiled at him and make the gasp between your lips disappear. You kissed him with a lot of passion as you felt him kiss back with the same passion. It was the best kiss you ever had everything just felt right. Wasn't that how it supposed to feel when you kiss someone? Still you haven't felt that kind of feeling when you kissed someone before.
Four years later (still writers POV)
You couldn't really be happier right now. You had moved to a house with James. And your two dogs to a new house. Everything was going great you loved him so much and he loved you so much too. But there was one thing. James wanted to propose to you. He was kind of nervous and play with the box with his fingers. He loved you deeply and couldn't get a no. James asked Oliver to help him because he really wanted it to be perfect. He laid some roses on the ground for you to fallow. You saw the flowers on the snow and fallow them in your beautiful dress that was warm. Then you saw a heart of roses and James in a suit.
"Hi angel."
"What is all this about?"
He went down on one knee.
"Y/n I love you so much and you have been my friend for so long time. That day you told me you were in love with me my heart was in shock. I then realised I have been in love with you all this time. You are the one for me that is why I'm asking you will you marry me angel?" You began sobbing.
"Love?" James asked worriedly.
"Love why are you crying?"
"Of course I will marry you." You cried out.
"I love you so much my angel."
"I love you so much too Jamie."
He pulled you into a passionate kiss as he felt the salty taste of your tears. You couldn't be happier to marry the man you always dreamt of.
The end
A/n: Hi my loves finally this is up. It took a while to write it. I hope you all liked this imagine! Sorry I won't be a part two of this. But as I told you before I won't post in a couple of days. Of course I will post something tomorrow since it's new year's. But then I will take a couple of days break because my mental health is just really bad now. Sorry remember that I'm so thankful for everything! I love you all. Hope you all had a great day. Take care.
Love G Xx.

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