Pregnant/ O

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Warnings: throwing up, dizzy, sad, sadness, swearing, miscarriage, blood

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Warnings: throwing up, dizzy, sad, sadness, swearing, miscarriage, blood.
A/n: Hi my loves I thought of doing two parts when you got to know you are pregnant! I will do one with James and one with Oliver. I will first start with this one with Oliver and then make one with James! I got a couple of ideas for imagines one with Oliver and probably one with James I just need to come up with a bit more! I think I have done a one imagine like this before but now I'm sorry but you will have miscarriage. You lost your baby. Do you want a part two of this one? I hope you all like this imagine! Enjoy

Summary: Lately you had been feeling bad. But you could never thought it was because you were pregnant. What would your husband say when you are telling him?

Words count: 1,18k
Lately you had been feeling kind of bad. You really didn't know what was the problem. Then you realised that your period was late.
"No fuck fuck fuck." You said and run into the bathroom. You didn't have any test so you wasn't sure why you were doing that. Oliver was home and filmed in another episode of not normal. (Okay I don't know what is named but hope you understand).
"Love is everything okay?" Your husband asked you.
"Yeah of course." You said nervously back. The only thing you could know that you were pregnant was to by a test. You took the car and drove to the store. When you went into the store you brought four tests to be sure about the results. Then you drove back home feeling so nervous. You didn't really want to know if you were pregnant or not. Because you felt like Oliver wasn't ready to get a child. You had never talked about children even if you knew you wanted to have children you didn't know if Oliver wanted to. You quickly and quietly went into your and Oliver's sheared house.
"Love?" Oliver asked in a worried ton. You had forgotten to tell him that you were going somewhere. You took up the phone from the table. You had forgotten it home and realised he had called you 10 times. He was probably very worried for you.
"Angel please answer where are you?" He almost cried you felt really bad that you didn't answer him.
"Angel!! Where have you been darling. I was so worried."
"Sorry Ollie I forgot my phone home."
"Darling you know you make me worried when you haven't your phone."
"I know I'm sorry Ollie. I didn't want to distract you."
"Love you never distract me."
"It is okay just promise you will take your phone with you next time. Okay?"
You nodded as Oliver pulled you into a hug.
"I love you." He said and kissed your forehead.
"Love you too." He smiled sweetly at you before he went back to his office. As fast as he left you quickly run into the bathroom to get the test. You took the tests and then your thoughts was in your head.
'What if he don't want a child. What if he isn't ready.' The timer was quickly interrupting your thoughts. You were really scared to look at the test results. But you did and you saw two red lines on all of the pregnancy tests.

God god god you were pregnant tears was welling form you eyes

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God god god you were pregnant tears was welling form you eyes. You were going to be a mum how was that even possible. Okay you knew how that was possible but you couldn't still believe you were going to be a parent. You took a deep breath before you went out of the bathroom. But then you started to feel sick again and went back to throw up. Oliver was hearing it and quickly run to you.
"Love are you okay?"
"Ollie I need to tell you something."
"What is it darling?"
"Ollie can I tell you something?"
"Sure love you can tell you everything for me angel." He smiled at you.
"Ollie I'm pregnant." You nervously told your husband. Oliver smiled the biggest smile you ever had seen.
"Omg love we are going to be parents!!"
He picked you up and sound you around.
"I love you so much!! And that little baby inside you." He said and kissed your stomach.
"We love you too." You said and smiled at him.
"I'm think I'm going to bed I'm a little tired and dizzy."
"Of course love. I go with you. It start to get late anyways."
You nodded, then you laid in the bed. Oliver wrapped his arms around you. And cuddled into you.
"I love you."
"I love you more." He said and smiled then you fall asleep in his arms. He smiled warmly at the sight.
"I love you so much my angel."
A few weeks later (still writers POV)
You were a couple of weeks pregnant and you and Oliver couldn't be happier. Even if you didn't even had shown yet. Oliver couldn't wait to see you. He was so gentle even more gentle then before you were pregnant. Like he didn't let you go any where alone, or cook food and things like that. His kisses were even more gentle then they were before. Today you woke up and looked at the bed and saw blood. No no no it was all gone. You had just lost your child, it was hard your eyes teared up as you saw it. As you began to cry quickly not wanting Oliver to wake up.
"Love what is it?"
"They are gone." You softly cried
Oliver looked down and quickly noticed what was wrong.
"Oh my love." He said and pulled you into a hug. As you cried into his shoulder.
"We should go to the hospital."
"Why they are gone."
You got up and Oliver drove to the hospital.
The doctor set the cold gel at you and you shivered.
"I'm so sorry mr and mrs Phelps but you got a miscarriage."
You wanted to cry.
"It's okay to cry you know you lost a child." That was all it took for you to cry. But in the same time you felt bad for Oliver because he needed to be strong for you. When you came home you took something to eat and Oliver sat in the sofa.
When you went into the room you saw him holding a picture on your baby ultrasound. And he cried.
"You know it's okay to cry right." You pulled him into a hug as he cried to your chest.
"Let's go to bed." He said.
"Of course."
The feeling of losing your child hurt you more then you ever expected.
A/n: Hi my loves sorry for not posting. I have just have a lot headache now. But I have finally wrote this imagine done! I hope you all liked it! Do you guys want a part two? Love you all hope you all liked it and take care!
Love G Xx.

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