Ch. 12

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Jisung stood with one knee bouncing rapidly, waiting for Minho to show up to where they had agreed to meet. Or rather where Minho told him to be.

He was waiting outside the cafétéria doors while it seemed like everyone was passing beside him. It made him uncomfortable to just be standing there while everyone walked by him.

He needed to be there however, so he could meet up with Minho for whatever session. They could have just met in the library, but the elder want to make this specifically harder.

Jisung took deep breaths and pulled out his phone, hoping to talk to Felix. He sent a small text..

Hey lixie, im currently waiting for minho to tutor him.. he picked the worst spot for us to meet

It took about a minute for the other boy to respond

Best freindo
Oh no :(
I think imma beat this bitch up

Bad idea alert
He'd beat you up first.. and then me

Best friendo
Then i will go to the gym and train until i can beat him and his friends up >:(

Ahhh! I have to go now
Hes coming !!

Best freindo
Good luck bestie!!

Thank you bestie

Jisung shoved his phone back into his pocket as he watched while Minho and the rest of his group walked down the hall towards him.

He swallowed hard when they all stopped right in front of him.

"You look so fucking scared." JinYoung snorted and flicked Jisungs forehead, "We can't beat you up, reMeBeR." He made a mocking tone.

Jisung rubbed at the slight stinging pain in his forehead, not really being brave enough to say anything back.

"Have fun with the pipsqueak Minho." Jeong-Hoon laughed, and the rest of them walked off, but not without Junhae looking back at Jisung one more time to see if he was okay.

Jisung didn't say anything when Minho said hi. He just stared at the ground, knowing that everyone passing by was seeing them together.

Not only that, but so many people had just seen Jisung getting made fun of like that.

"Alright, let's go." Minho said annoyed.

. . .

They worked in silence, Jisung being too afraid to correct all of the obvious mistakes Minho was making in his work.

Eventually the elder got fed up of the awkward atmosphere, and sat back in his chair, eyeing the boy who seemed to be looking only at his shoes.

He scanned over his face, and only for the most brief second thought to himself that Jisung was slightly adorable.

Then he caught himself, and mentally scolded for being so weird and fruity. He couldn't be thinking like that, or it would turn him gay.

Was it bad that Minho was hanging around Jisung? Would Jisung turn him gay? Could you infect people like that?

"Give me your number." Minho said suddenly.

No one but Jisung heard, because they were in the back of the library in a secluded place behind a bunch of bookshelves sitting at the old tables that would break if you put the slightest bit too much pressure on them.

Jisung looked up with a surprised look on his face, "What do you mean?" He asked not even taking time to process the whole thing.

"I want your number. Like your phone number.. give it to me." Minho demanded reaching across the table for Jisung's phone.

"Why do you want that." Jisung asked panicked. He snatched his hand around his phone before Minho could get it, so Minho was simply holding onto Jisung hand, waiting for him to release the phone.

"For the tutoring." Minho rolled his eyes harshly, "What did you think it was for? So I could 'get to know you', or 'because I'm interested in you'? I'm straight Jisung. I'd never like you like that."

Jisung swallowed hard and loosened his grip on the phone so Minho could take it. He looked away embarrassed.

What did Jisung think it was for?

"What's your password?" Minho asked trying to unlock the phone.

"Just give it to me, I can tell you my number." Jisung reached out, but Minho grabbed his wrist tightly.

"Jisung." Minho said it like a warning, "How am I supposed to know you gave me the right number? Huh? I'm not falling for that shit."

Minho let go of the younger boys wrist, almost like he was throwing it back to him, "Just give me the fucking password."

You could tell that Minho was getting fed up and his patients was running slightly low, so Jisung obliged. "091400.." Jisung admitted quietly, feeling defeated.

"Why is that your password." Minho asked blankly as he typed it in.

"It's my birthday.." Jisung whispered.

"Who's on your background and lock screen." Minho asked another question, only glancing up slightly at the boy.

"My friend Felix is on my lockscreen, and my mom is on my homescreen.." Jisung said looking back at his feet.

"Why? I'd never put people I know on my background." Minho laughed slightly at Jisung.

"Well Felix is the only friend I have and my mom is dead." Jisung didn't even hesitate to tell Minho. He wanted to see his face drop into regret. And it did.

"Oh.. sorry." Minho made an awkward apology, but quickly changed the subject.


(A/n- some random combo of letters I came up with.)

"Yeah, that's my phone number." Jisung said messing around with his fingers.

Minho sent a message to himself from the phone and and his own cell buzzed on the table. "There." He slid Jisungs mobile back to him.

"You know Jisung, I think we're gonna have a lot of fun together." Minho started to smirk, "And since I'm reading a play by play of every day of your life for nearly a year, I think I'm gonna get to know you quite well."

Jisung bit his lip, "Its not funny..." he said looking down at the table in front of him.

"It is to me." Minho laughed darkly, "How can it not be? I'm gonna have so much fun with you.." he whispered.

1026 words

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ MinSung Where stories live. Discover now