Ch. 143

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Felix did ask Chan to go hang out with them today, but he decided he would have other plans.

He spent most of the day looking after Minho to make sure he was eating right and got at least 15 minutes of outside time, and then decided to go talk to his dad.

He planned to come out as gay.

After his talk with Felix, the younger had managed to convince him to do it and Chan had agreed—though he told no one that he was actually about to do it.

He didn't want to put extra weight on anyone's shoulders and if all went wrong then no one would have to know. It was a simple plan for a simple man.

He called ahead of time to let his dad know he was stopping by and with that went on his marry way, though his entire body was shaking with anxiety.

He didn't want to be a disappointment to his dad. He had to uphold his standards to let Minho live a normal life and if he failed, well, that meant Chan was a failure. Being his dad's 'perfect son' was the only label he had and if he lost it..

Well then he would be virtually nothing.

He planned to catch his father when he wasn't at work so they could have an actual conversation – not in his suffocating office. He wanted to have a human to human conversation, not robot to robot, and when his dad was at work he was basically a robot.

He parked his car and pressed the doorbell, immediately being let into the house by one of his dad's maids. Her name was Ms. Danel and she had helped to take care of them when him and Minho were young boys.

She was verging her mid fifties now.

He greeted her and started on his way towards his father's downstairs lounge where he commonly sat and deliberated things.

When he knocked on the door he heard someone call him in so he stepped inside to see his dad, still wearing one of his suits and done hair, sitting in a sofa chair. "Good to see you, Appa." He bowed upon entering.

He nodded in response motioning for his son to take a seat, "Of course. What was the important topic you wanted to have a discussion on?"

"Ah, yes." He sat down carefully, "It's actually a rather sensitive topic." Was all he hinted at. Was he really about to do this—was he even ready?

The man nodded, "Of course. Take your time I'm in no rush at the moment. Though I don't want you to bore me." He had a glass of whiskey swirling in his hand as his eyes wandered his first born son.

"You know Lee Felix? Jisung's friend, he was involved in the legal percussions." He wanted to start of slow and maybe ease into it. No need to startle his father.

"Yes, I've met him once."

"I'm dating him."

Damn. So much for easing into it I guess.

His fathers face stayed the same, as if he didn't fully understand the words. "Spell this out for me." He said soon.

Chan took a deep breath, "Well, since he's a minor were not actually dating but technically—"

"No, Christopher, I mean the nature of your relationship. You mean you're romantically involved? Like you're.. gay?" He didn't seem upset but he also didn't seem happy. In fact, he didn't seem much of anything.

Chan nodded, eyeing his father carefully. "Yes."

There was a long silence as the man thought that lasted about 15 seconds. Too much for Chan's liking still. "I mean I already knew Minho was gay from when he was nearly 6 years old.. but this is a shock."

Chan nodded, "I'm not really gay—I mean I still like women you know? Maybe I'm bisexual? I just—"

"Don't attempt to sugarcoat this Christopher. Nothing matters to me but the fact that you aren't straight." His started to swirl the whiskey in his cup again, "I suppose I just didn't think I'd lose both of my sons to this. Minho was fine.. but this is different."

Chan nodded, staring down at his shoes. He should have known that this would go down like this. Everyone knew Minho was gay and his father was fine with that, but now that Chan had come out it was like he had no more 'good' children left.

If that's how you want to put it.

"I don't know, Christopher. There's not much I can do is there." His words turned into a breathy sigh, "You can do what you want I suppose. You're still.. my child."

Though it was a sweet thing to say, the way he said it made Chan feel somewhat of a burden. Like his father would rather not have him as a child.


"I'm sorry." Was all he knew to say. What else was there to say?

"You should bring Felix around for dinner sometime. Maybe your relationship will work out better than Minho's. Poor child." He shook his head slowly, "I tried talking to Mr. Han but he simply won't have it. He's putting both of those boys through hell and for what? To protect him from someone who'd never even dream of hurting his child."

Chan looked up, "You talked to Mr. Han?"

His father nodded, "I felt I had to. I thought maybe my opinion would sway him to think differently – obviously that was a lie though."

"Ah." Chan said, "I really wish Mr. Han would open his eyes a little more. If only he could see that Minho was anything but a threat."

There was a pause.

"But yeah, maybe one day I will invite Felix. He's a wonderful person, I'm sure you'd love him."

Mr. Lee suddenly looked over at him, "I'm sorry, was Felix not a minor?"

Chan nodded, "Yeah, that's what I was saying earlier. We're not technically dating. He wants to but I'm saying he needs to turn 18 first."

"I'm sure he's not to happy about that. He must think your responsibility is a pain in the ass." He paused, "Or rather lack there of."

Chan looked up, his eyes wide. His father did not just make a gay sex joke.

"What? I'm just saying." He shrugged, "I'm sure you hear stuff like that from your friends all the time. Crude teenagers."

Chan laughed, astonished, for a moment.

"You're so unpredictable.."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ MinSung Where stories live. Discover now