Ch. 81

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Felix and Jisung had been friends for a long time, and with that, came trust and loyalty. They had made a pledge in middle school that if anything were ever to happen, they would tell eachother about it.

So was it wrong of Jisung to be hiding all of his problems behind a gummy smile? Probably. But Jisung liked to think of it as a white lie. It was for the best that Felix stay oblivious.

He knew though, that for this to work out he would have to take this secret to the grave. Felix could never find out he was lying, or their friendship would turn upside down.

"Hey," Felix said, picking up his fork to eat a slice of cake, "Aren't you hungry? You probably haven't eaten since breakfast."

Jisung smiled comfortingly and shook his head, "I had a snack before I left. Maybe next time."

They were at their Cafe meet-up for the week and Felix had ordered his usual tea and chocolate cake. The chocolate cake here was the best ever, and no one could argue with it. Every time they went here, Jisung would commonly order a slice as well, but for some reason today he didn't.

"Are you sure? You love the cake here.." Felix pouted, "It's basically traditional at this point Sungie, you can leave me hanging."

Jisung laughed a little, trying to blow it off, "I guess I'm just not in the mood today. I'm sorry Lixie, I'll order it with you next week."

"What if I throw a temper tantrum? Then will you get a slice?" Felix joked... but he may have been serious..

"No, I will not. All that would get you is a free ticket for first hand embarrassment." Jisung smiled wider, leaning into his palm on the table.

Felix pretended to wipe away a tear and looked away dramatically.

The real reason behind Jisungs lack of chocolate cake wasn't just that he didn't feel like it though. In fact, he really wanted a slice, but knew he couldn't.

He was truthfully really hungry, as he hadn't really eaten all day, but he didn't want to put on any extra weight by eating a bunch. Honestly, even looking at the cake Felix was eating made him feel kind of gross..

"Why don't we talk about your little crush on Channie hyung.." Felix nearly choked on his cake upon hearing this, looking around frantically to see if anyone had heard, as if anyone would even care.

"Don't talk so loud.." Felix hushed quickly.

"What? It's not like anyone here even knows us." Jisung shrugged.

"Hey," Felix smirked, "Why don't we talk about your crush on little mister dickhead Minho."

"Hey!" Jisung said offened, "Don't you dare try to change the subject, and I do not have a crush on him anymore." He stated matter-of-factly.

Truth be told, that was a huge lie. It anything, Jisung like the elder even more, especially after that letter.

Minho had just been treating him so kindly and though Jisung hated the letter, he also loved it.. a lot. He was quite fond of the apology, and he was almost wondering if the letter could really be true.

"As if. At least I don't have a crush on my bully." Felix played around, rolling his eyes.

Jisung gasped, playing along, "At least I don't like saggy balls." He 'humphed'.

Felix's mouth fell open in shock, "Channie is not that old! He's only 23..."

Jisung rolled his eyes, "And your 17. Make it make sense Felix." He pointed out, "It's more than illegal."

"You dont have to crush my dreams like that.." Felix pouted, "Maybe someday when I'm old enough. I know it's unrealistic but still.."

Jisung smiled sadly at Felix, feeling kind of bad for him. He had fallen for a man he had a very slim chance of ever actually being with. Bang Chan really wasn't the type of person to date a minor.

"Next year it will be legal." Jisung said, hoping to lift his friends mood, "Maybe if you still like him then.."

"But he still won't like me." Felix pouted, "Have you seen that guy? You should know how straight he is. In fact, he probably sleeps with a pack of condoms under his pillow because he sleeps with a new woman every other night.."

"He's 5'7, I'm not sure if he gets that many chick's." Jisung laughed.

"Yeah, that doesn't mean he doesn't radiate big dick energy. On Christmas he was wearing sweatpants, and I could basically see how big he was."

Jisungs jaw dropped, "Why the fuck were you looking? You pervert."

"Hey, I'm allowed to be curious." He snapped, "Plus, you've seen the way he walks and sits.. he has to make room for his dick."

"Uhmm..." Jisung said, "I think you might be touch deprived and extraordinary horny, Lixie. Maybe you should get laid.."

"With who?" He asked, "I have no one to sleep with, and plus, I trust very few people with my body that way."

Jisung nodded, understanding what he meant, "I don't know what to tell you man."

"Of course you don't.. " Felix slumped into his chair farther, "You're just as inexperienced in this realm as I am.."

"True. True." Jisung wasn't actually, he had done a few things with Minho, but he didn't plan on letting Felix in on that part of his life.

Jisung was somewhat startled when he felt his phone buzz in his back pocket, and when he pulled it put to check who it was he nearly had a heart attack.


"Who is it?" Felix asked, muffled by his head, still shoved into his arms.

"Oh, just my dad. One moment." Jisung gathered himself quickly, heart beating out of his chest.



The text was small, but he didn't waste any time responding. This was very important and the wasn't about to play hard to get.




Great. On our first day back at school meet me behind the school right after the final bell rings and after everyone is gone. Don't be late.


Why did Minho want to meet up with Jisung? Was he mad? Had Jisung done something wrong again? What if he was going to try and apologize again.

He quickly tucked his phone away and went back to talk with Felix. No need to make his friend worry.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ MinSung Where stories live. Discover now