everyone dies, you know

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。 : ° ஐ | 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬 | 。 : ° ஐ

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: ° | 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬 | : °

𝓒𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 turns of the golden cylinder were precise. A reflection laid in perfect view in the lustrous luxury. The twirling of the capsule brought up the profound red tint of lipstick.

Thin applications went in unanimous circles on top of softened lips. Coffin nails were careful not to scratch at the lipstick being applied. It was clear from the skin-tight dress that hugged the woman's body, from the bottom of her ass hanging out from the velvet dress that she was indeed going out tonight.

One slight glance in the mirror and the tails of her lips soon curled into a delicate smirk. Unexpectedly, the creaks of the bathroom door rose in intense volume. A devilish glare had taken over the woman's once cocky stare at her reflection in the mirror.

"Mommy," the crooking sounds of a parched child made their way towards his mother's ears. Yet, she didn't seem to pay much attention.

"I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since Monday." mumbled the broken child from the doorway. Pulses of bones were clear in the lack of muscle and tissue that laid on his body. The child couldn't have been any less than six.

The mother turned to the child with her hellish scowl. In a swift gesture, her tongue clicked down. Ripples of the tone caused the child to begin shaking.

"I don't care. Just get some from the fridge or something—I don't know! I'm going out again!" screeches showered down from the mother in annoyed fashion as she turned her attention back to the mirror's perspective.

Loud growls that could be mistaken for a monster in the dark left violently from the boy's stomach. A hard grasp was placed on his abdomen, while the baby teeth still very present in his jaws had begun to grind against one another in a timely fashion.

At a moments' notice, tiny footsteps chimed loudly in the rather small bathroom. With the bone-like hands reaching forward, light tugs repeated over and over again on the women's shortened dress.

So much so, the poor child's had to stand on his tippy toes to reach the fabric.

As the tugging and cries for his "mommy," the woman's fingertips had turned a pearl white. The grip on her lipstick beginning to tremble with outrage. A battle cry left her tinted lips, with a powerful slap fulfilling the silence once again.

A dark smear of the burgundy lipstick drew harshly across the boy's red cheek. He could feel the elbow he had landed on beginning to ache while a bruise would be constructing sooner than needed.

"I told you to shut the fuck up! Now move out of my fucking way!" clips of the matching red heels to her short dress chipped on the tiled flooring. Making sure she would step harshly on her son's palm before exiting the bathroom with the twist of her hair.

The boy proceeded to lay, hungry and ailing on the bathroom floor. Just as the front door had slammed to a complete close.


Children's cheerful laughter and playful giggles loudly rung through Katsuki's eardrums. His stomach was starting to hurt again from lack of food, causing his hand to massage at his thin muscles from the outline of his shirt.

A subtle smell caused him to lift his eyes in surprise. Small turns of his head, and his eyes had landed on what had smelled so delightful. Cupcakes that still seemed to be freshly baked laid on his classmates' desks.

Multitudes of them were present, as it was clear the young boy wasn't going to eat the rest. Much less he seemed so full. Hesitation was obvious in the way Katsuki's face twisted, or how his eyes kept flickering back between the delectable sweets.

"Hey," his voice came off almost like a high-pitched squeal. But it had gained the attention of the other boy. "Are you to eat those?"

Before the ebony boy could respond, the teacher came in between the two kid's desks. An upset glare was present from the slits that created such an expression.

"Katsuki, sweetie, what did we say about asking for people's food? Remember, it's their food, ok? Where's your snack, honey?" saddened eyes looked back up towards the teacher. His shoulders moving upwards in a shrugging position.

"I don't know..." the woman let out another sigh. Something that had become a part of her new routine.

"Katsuki, let the children eat what they have, ok? Others are hungry, too." Katsuki looked up at the woman. Slightly nodding his head at the notation she had proclaimed.

A sickly smile curled the slits for glares the woman had once owned. Manicured nails clapped happily against one another in amusement. Before hurrying off to talk to the other's children around.

Katsuki couldn't help but feel bad for what he had done. Both boys looked over at one another, eye contact locked and loaded in ease. Although, Katsuki was the first to break it.

Slowly sliding himself down onto his desk, his arms twisting around his head to cover up his facial expression. Bubbling droplets sprinkled down his non-existent cheeks, forming a quiet puddle in the darkness that was his limp arms.

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒍i𝒑 𝒑l𝒖m𝒑 )˚✧₊⁎ 。
there's a warmth in the coldness of the room
all the cars going by are like people on the move
hold your breath, count to ten
it's okay to feel so small
words: 1003

super sorry on updates lmao. i've been busy asf

 i've been busy asf

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