Nice to meet you

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Adam's: POV

I passed a café on my way home. I walked in and sat down at a table. I didn't ordered anything to eat. A young boy was sitting at a table next to me. He had a cup of hot chocolate. He was very pretty, I'm glad I can't blush.

"Hello, I'm Oliver Gliese and this is my big brother William

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"Hello, I'm Oliver Gliese and this is my big brother William." he said polite. He rolled his eyes. "Nice to meet you, I'm Adam Petrova." I replied. "You're Victoria's dad, I saw her yestetday at school." he said. "I've also two younger twin daughters named Vanessa and Katerina." I replied. "That's sweet." said Oliver.

"So you're from Transsylvania?" asked William. "Yes I am." I said. "Why did you moved here?" he asked. "Will, there's none of our business." replied Oliver. "My husband died and it became to painful to stay. I also wanted to give my daughters a better life." I said. "Aww." replied Oliver. "I see." said William. "Don't care about him." replied Oliver to me. "It's okay." I said.


"I know we have just met, but would you like to hang out with me tomorrow?" he asked. "I'd love it." I said. "We can go to a park, it'll be great weather." replied Oliver. "Can't we do something else, instead?" I asked. "Sure, why not." he said. "I don't like the sun so much." I replied. "It's fine." said Oliver with a smile on his face. I could hear his beating heart and see the blood flow under his skin. I licked my lips hungrily.

"Sorry, I gotta go." I replied. "Okay." he said a bit disappointed. "See you tomorrow." I said. "Can't wait." replied Oliver. He said goodbye before he left. I had almost lost control. I hurried back home.

I ship Adam and Oliver

I hope you liked the chapter


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