You said you would never leave me

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Oliver's: POV

"Tragic, isn't it?" asked Vlad and Rigina smirked. Adam pushed the dead body to the floor. "Oliver, I'm so sorry. I wish you hadn't seen it." said Adam. He went up to me and I took a step back. "Stay away from me." I replied. "Please listen, I would never hurt you." he said. "I don't believe you." I replied coldly.

"You were dating a vampire, what did you expect?" asked Vlad. "What do you mean with were?" I asked. "Me and Adam are back together." he said. Tears filled my eyes. "Humans are so emotional." he said annoyed. "I agree." replied Regina. Vlad picked up a knife and cut me. Adam's eyes turned red and he looked hungrily at the blood.

"I don't want to see you anymore

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"I don't want to see you anymore. Get out of here." he said. "You said you would never leave me." I replie hurt. "You could have died tonight and it's too dangerous to be together." he said. "You don't want me?" I asked and tears were rolling down my cheeks. "You don't belong to my world." said Adam. "This explains a lot." I replied. "It will be as I have never existed." he said without emotion. "Please, don't." I sobbed. "Goodbye Oliver." he said.


I was soaked wet when Marie met me in the hallway. She looked worried at me. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked. "No." I said and went to my room. "I'm here if you want to talk." she called. I took a hot shower and switched to dry clothes. I wrapped a bandage around my bloody hand. I went into my bedroom and lay down on the bed. I fell asleep after a few minutes and night was plagued by nightmares.

My poor baby💔

I hope you liked the chapter.


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