It's not your fault

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Katerina's: POV

I was on my way to the math lesson, when I heard a crunching from the toilet. I went in and found my sister on the floor surrounded by broken glass. "We would cook and a guy cut his hand and I almost lost control." said Vanessa and hide her face in her hands. "It was not your fault." I replied comforted. "I didn't realize how strong I was." said Nessie and looked up at the broken mirror. "No one dares to mess with you." I replied with a soft laugh. Vanessa laughed too and stood up.

When we went out, we were close to throw the door on John. "Watch out." he said. "Oh sorry, we didn't see you." I replied. "No harm done, how are you Vanessa?" he asked worried. "I'm fine, just a bit tired." she said. He nodded his head and left us. We walked into the the dining room "Just the sight of the blood pudding, makes me want to throw up." she said disgusted. "I who thought that vampires love this food. said Cameron jokingly. "Very funny." replied Vanessa and smiled.

After lunch we walked down the hallway we saw that someone had, written killer in blood on the wall. "What is this?" asked Vanessa scared. "How can anyone even write that?" asked Cam. "I bet that Mia is behind this." she muttered. "Let's, go before someone comes." I said and we went away. We we all had the same worried feeling in the stomach.


Raven's: POV

I love to be bad and cause chaos. I went into to a bar and began to sing. I had compelled everyone to stay or I'd killed them.


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I walked up to a girl and started kissing her. Then I bit into her neck and drank the blood until her head fell off. A guy tried to leave but I ripped out his heart and he fell dead down to the floor. I killed the others before I set fire on the bar and went out with a smirk on my face.

Thank you glambertyaddybear for being in my book

I love Raven

I hope you liked the chapter


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