Leave him alone

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Victoria's: POV

"I saw you and Adam yesterday." said William with a grin on his face. Oliver ignored him. "Is he your boyfriend?" asked Robin. "I didn't know you fell for older men, but I'm not surprised." said William laughing.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" I yelled angrily. My eyes were flashing red. "Whoa, chill." said Will. "First of all, it's my dad you're talking about and love is just a number. Second, I hate bullying and I don't like you're treating Oliver like shit." I replied. "We were just kidding, don't take it so seriously, honey." said Will. "Call me honey one more time and I'll rip your head off." I replied threatening. They ran away quickly. "Coward." I yelled after them.

"Wow Tori, that was so badass." said Oliver impressed. "They're messing with the wrong person." I replied. "Did you really mean that you'd rip their heads off?" he asked. "No, of course not." I said quickly. He nodded his head. "I'm happy for you and dad." I said. "Really?" asked Oliver. "Yes." I said. He hugged me and smiled. "Thank you Victoria." he replied. "No problem." I said with a smile on my face.


I was in my bedroom and I was wearing my red dress. My sisters came in and they smiled.

"You're so beautiful

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"You're so beautiful." said Katerina and Vanessa. "Thank you." I replied. "Papa would be so proud." she said. "You'll be an amazing queen of Transsylvania." replied Katerina. "I'm nervous, what if I mess up everything?" I asked. "We've your back." said Kat. I hugged them and cried. "I love you two so much, I couldn't ask for better sisters." I said. "We love you too." replied Vanessa. I smiled softly.

Don't mess with Victoria, I love the sister bond.

I hope you liked the chapter


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