I'll have my revenge

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Victoria's: POV

Toni was holding my hand to calm me down. "I'm just nervous." I said. "It will go well." she replied and I gave her a smile. "Victoria." said a woman. I walked in and lay down on a stretcher. She smeared cream on my stomach and I saw my child on the screen.

"I've good news." said Jenny with a smile on her face. "What is it?" asked both me and Toni. "You will have twins, a boy and a girl." she said. "That's wonderful." I replied happily. "Everything looks good, they're healthly and feel good." said Jenny. "That's good." I replied.


"We'll be partens to twins." I said when we got home. "Yes." replied Toni and kisssd my lips. "What should we named them?" I asked. "Cheryl and Tristan." said Toni. "I love it." I replied. "Me too." she said.


I woke up a few hours later of my wife's scream. I rushed downstaris and found her bleeding on the floor. A bloody twig was lying next to her. I lay her head in my lap and stroked her hair. Toni smiled weakly.

"Getting married to you was the best thing I've ever done." said Toni. "You're so cute." I replied. "Promise me to take care of our children." she said. A tear were rolling down my cheek. "I promise." I replied. "I love you." she replied and tears were rolling down her cheeks. "I love you too." I said. Toni smiled and her last breath left her mouth. I let out a heartbreaking scream. Darkness and hate filled my heart. I'll have my revenge and I won't rest until I've found my wife's killer. I opened the door and went out to the darkness.

 I opened the door and went out to the darkness

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I feel for Victoria so much

I hope you liked the chapter


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