I feel completely when I'm with you, like the hole in my heart is gone

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Oliver's: POV

Victoria. You've disappeared. Like everything else. Now who else can I talk to? I'm lost. When you left, and he left, you took everything with you. But the absence of him is everywhere I look. It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest. But in a way, I'm glad. The pain is the only reminder that he was real. That you all were.

"He's not coming back." said Marie. "I know." I replied. "Oliver, this behaviour, it's just not normal and frankly it's scaring the hell out of me, and your dad. Just go out, make some new friends." she said. "I like my old friends." I replied. "You never meet them." said Marie. "I'll visit Noah today, happy?" I asked. "Say hi to Agnes from me." said Marie. I started the engine and drove off. It started raining but I didn't care.

Noah hugged me when I arrived

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Noah hugged me when I arrived. We went into his house and Agnes was glad to see me. "I'd say hi from Marie to you." I said. "Say hi back." replied Agnes. Then we went to the living room and looked at a series on the TV. I sat down next to Noah and lay down my head on his arm.


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"I feel completely when I'm with you, like the hole in my heart is gone." I said. "I would never hurt you." he replied. "I know." I said. "You are my best friend and I'll always be here for you." said Noah. "Thank you." I repiled with a smile on my face. You're welcome." he said.


"Did you had fun?" asked Marie when I came home. "Yes, Noah is so kind and funny." I said. "I'm glad to hear that." she replied.

I ship Oliver and Noah

I hope you liked the chapter


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