Look who we have here

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Victoria's: POV

"I just want to inform you that the curfew still applies until we catch the killer." said Liz. "Thank you so much Mrs. Forbes." replied Alaric. She nodded and went out from the classroom. Then the bell rang and it was time for break. "Where are you going?" asked Toni. I picked up my makeup bag and she smiled. "I'll be right back." I said and went into the restroom. I fixed my hair.

"Look who we have here

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"Look who we have here." said William with a smirk on his face. "What do you want?" this is the girl's restroom." I asked coldly. "I thought you might be hungry." he said and a girl went up to me. "I've no idea what you're talking about." I replied. "I think you do." he said.

The girl took away her hand from her throat and blood ran from a wound. "It's my school, you shouldn't be here." I said and tried not to look at the blood. "It's my school too, maybe it's you who shouldn't be here." replied Will and smeared blood in my face. I hissed and showed my fangs.

"Your secret is not safe anymore." said William before he went out. I finished my makeup and took a deep breath. I opened the door and walked out to the others. Toni looked worried at me and I gave her a fake smile. "Are you okay?" asked Toni. "I'm fine." I said. "Did he do something?" she asked. "No." I said. "I'm always here for you." she replied. "I know." I said. She kissed my lips and I smiled.


I speeded into the castle and was close to crash with Renfield. "Tori, what's wrong?" he asked worried. "It's about William, I think he's a vampire slayer." I said. "Oh no." replied Renfield.

I ship Tori with Toni

I hope you liked the chapter


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