You're safe now

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Vanessa's: POV

I stroked Cam's hair and he moved worried in her sleep. "I'll get us out of here, I promise." I said. I heard footstep and I was shaking of fear. But it wasn't William who come. It was Oliver.

"Hey Nessie." he said. "How did you find us?" I asked. "Will told me." he said, his voice was filled with hate. "You have to leave." I replied. "I'm not going anywhere without my family." he said and unlocked the door. "I mean it, you have to leave." I said. He rolled up the sleeve and his skin was blotted.

My eyes turned red, I felt the sent of his blood. "Drink." he said. I drank his blood. "Thank you." I replied. "No problem." said Oliver. "Dad needs it more than me." I replied. He went to him and gave him some blood. He opened his eyes and hugged him. "We must go before Will is coming back." I replied. Oliver lifted up Cam and we hurried out. We came to a house and Katerina met us outside. We walked in and he locked the door.

"I thought I had lost you two." she said and hugged us. "Oliver saved us." I replied. "Thank you." he said . "You're welcome." he replied. Cam woke up and locked confused around. "You're safe now." I said. "Thank you for saving my life." replied Cam. "No problem." said Oliver.


Adam's: POV

"I forbid you to marry Oliver, he's not a real vampire. You will bring shame on our family." said father. "I don't care about your stupid rules. You're nothing but a power mad old man. I love Oliver with all my heart, he saved my life. You've ruined everything for me and I'm sick and tired of it. I never want to see your face again. Leave and never came back. You're also forbidden to return to Transylvania." I said. "You'll regret this." replied Nicolas coldly and drove away.

Adam had enough of his father

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Adam had enough of his father

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