Thank you for being here for me

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Victoria's: POV

I was at a bar and partied. I drank blood because I'm pregnant. Being evil is so fun. Dad doesn't like it at all, but I don't care. I can still not believe that my wife is dead. I rubbed my bump and my twins kicked me.

(Tori's outfit)

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(Tori's outfit)

The door opened and in came Hermione. She grapped a bottle and drank. She waved at me with a smile on her face.

"You're looking amazing." I said. "Thanks Tori." replied Hermione. "You're welcome." I said. "You're looking good as well." she replied.

I went up to a woman with a smirk on my face. I kissed her before I drank her blood. Her head fell off and she fell dead to the floor. I wiped away the blood and smiled evilly.

"Thank you Hermione for being here for me, you're the best aunt in the whole world."
I said. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what." she replied. Then she went up on stage and sang. I smiled warmly and tears filled my eyes. I stil care about my family even though I'm not good. I'm oing through a tough time now and I need her.


Hermione's: POV

Tori held an urn with her wife's ashes. We went down to the water and the sun was going down. She opened the lid and let the wind spread her ash over the ocean. "I love you so much Toni." said Tori. "We'll miss you so much." I replied. "We'll remember you forever." said Toni. We drove back to town after her funeral. We walked to a new bar and partied the whole night.

Thank you glambertyaddybear for being in my book

It's sweet how much Hermione cares for her niece.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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