You are my prisoner and this is your prison

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Adam's: POV

I was on my way to Hermione, but I felt watched. I stopped the car and walked out. "Hello?" I called. Out of the shadows came a man. I took a step back. "Who are you?" I asked. "My name is William, I've heard so much about you." he said. "It was nice to meet you." I replied. "You made a stupid choice." he said. He stabbed me and I fell to the ground.

I woke up an hour later and looked confused around. "Where am I?" I asked. "My hands were tied up in silver chains. The pain was horrible. "You are in my basement." said Will. "You." I replied coldly. "I'm Oliver's brother and I'm a vampire slayer." he said with a smirk on his face. "I should have understood it." I replied. "I understand you have a weakness for pure silver." said William and burned me.

"If you ever hurt my baby brother again, I'll drive a stake into your cold dead heart." he said threatening. "I won't, I promise." I replied. "I don't believe you." said William and burned me with silver. "What do you want?" I asked and tried to ignore the pain. "I want to revenge on my mom's death." said William. "What's her name?" I asked. "Ellen and she was killed by a vampire." he said. "I didn't killed her." I replied. "I know you were married to Dracula, the most feared vampire in history." said William. He opened a window and the sun burned me.


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After being tortured for several hours I could barely move. "I want an honset answer, did you killed my mom?" asked Will coldly. "I haven't killed her, I swear." I said. He burned me again and I wanted to scream out my pain.

"I will not stop until you tell me the truth." replied William threatening. "Please, I beg you, I have a family." I said and tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Mercy won't help you now." replied Will and went out. "Please, don't." I said. "You are my prisoner and this is your prison, let's see how long you can go without blood." he replied and locked the door and went away.

I feel for Adam so much

I hope you liked the chapter


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