Meeting the family

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Adam's: POV

I introduced Oliver to my family. Vanessa and Katerina loved him. "Where do you buy your clothes? is that a butterfly in your hair? I love your style so much." she said. "Let him breathe Vanessa." replied Victoria. "Thank you." said Oliver. "You and dad are so cute together." replied Kat and Oliver blushed. I gave him a tour in the castle. He went into the living room and looked at a painting of Vlad.

"It's my late husband Vlad Tepes." I said. His eyes widened. "Yes, the famous Dracula." I said. "Wait a minute, does that mean you're royal?" he asked. "Yes." I said. "Wow." replied Oliver. "Victoria is the crown princess and she'll be the new Queen of Transsylvania." I said. "That's awesome." he replied. "I changed my last name to Petrova to protect us from vampire slayers." I said.

"Totally understandable." replied Oliver. I gave him a beautiful envelope. "What's this?" he asked. "It's an invitation to our masquerade ball." I said. "Thank you so much Adam." replied Oliver. "You'll love it." I said. "Will there be other vampires there?" he asked a bit nervous. "Yes, but I'll protect you." I said. "I know you will." replied Oliver.

I sat down at the piano and began to play Vanessa and Katerina's favorite melody. Oliver lay down his head on my arm and a tear were rolling down his cheek. "It's so beautiful." he said. "Thank you." I replied.

" I replied

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"I love Oliver, he's so funny." said Vanessa. "I'm so glad you two found each other." replied Katerina and Victoria. "Thank you girls." I said.

The bell rang and Renfield went to open. "Are you expecting someone?" asked Victoria. "No." I said. "I wonder who it can be." she replied. A man walked in and he was wearing a fancy suit. "Hello son." he said. "Father." I replied shocked.


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Nicolas is not a nice man

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