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Adam's: POV

"Two tickets please." said Oliver. "Here you go." replied a man and gave him tickets. "Thank you." he said. He also bought popcorn. "Do you want anything?" he asked. "I'm good." I said.

We went to our seats and sat down. The guy next to me took off his jacket and his neck was exposed. I swallowed nervously. Oliver gave me a worried glance. I gave him an innocent smile.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm fine." said. "The trailer was very scary." he replied. "I love horror movies." I said. "You're safe with me." he replied. The movie started and everything went well. But I had to leave the cinema in the middle of the movie.

"Where are you going?" whispered Oliver. "I need some air." I said. "Okay." he replied. I saw a guy leaving the movie theater. I followed him and he noticed me. I looked into his eyes. "Don't scream." I said. I attacked him and drank his blood. I broke my promise not to kill anyone who will be missed.

 I broke my promise not to kill anyone who will be missed

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Oliver's: POV

The movie was over and I was waiting at Adam. "Hey." he said suddlenly. He had blood stains on his face. "Are you okay, you got blood on your face." I replied. "I'm fine." he said.

"Well, I had fun tonight." I replied. "Me too." said Adam. "To be honest with you, I see you more than a friend." I replied. "Same here." he said. "I love you with all my heart." I replied. "I love you too." he said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Adam kissed me back. "Our first kiss." said Oliver. "Yeah." I replied. "I liked it." he said. "Me too." I replied with a smile on my face. We kissed again.

Their first kiss

I hope you liked the chapter.


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