A new home

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Adam's: POV

April 15th 2022: Transsylvania

"It's a wonderful day." I said with a smile on my face. "Yes." replied Oliver. "I've just washed your dress, Luna." said Olivia. "I'm not a princess, I'm a vampire." she replied and jumped in a mud puddle. "You're so funny." she said with a soft laugh. Luna ran up to us and I picked her up. "Our beautiful daughter." I replied. "I love you and papa so much." said Luna and hugged us. "We love you too." replied Oliver. "Grandpa." said Luna. "I love you too." said Robert with a smile on his face.

"Have I said how much I love you?" asked Esme. "You can tell me everyday." said Vanessa and kissed her. "Hey." replied Esme when Hero licked her in her face. He wagged his tail and barked happily. "You've a beautiful dog." she said and patted her. "Thank you." replied Cameron. Katerina gave him a kiss on his cheek. "You both are beautiful." said Vanessa and kissed her girlfriend. "We are together now." I replied. "Nothing can separate us apart again." said Luke. "Never." I replied with a kiss.


"I can't believe it's over." replied Oliver. "Me either." I said. "I love you." he replied. "Love you too." I said. "Do you miss your old home?" I asked. "No, this is my home now." said Oliver. "Come." I replied and took his hand. We went up a hill and sat down. We watched the full moon together.

So beautiful

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So beautiful

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