You're not real

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Olivia's: POV

I was sitting on a swing when a snowflake landed in my hand. It was still November but winter had begun early. I stood up and was on my way home when I saw a familiar person.


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"Mom." I said happily and she picked up me in the air. "I've missed you so much, my rockstar." replied Ellen with a smile on her face. "I have missed you too." I said. But then I took a step back and dad looked worried at me. "You're not real." I said. "What do you mean?" asked Ellen confused. "You are not my mom, stay away from me." I said scared. "Honey, it's really me." she replied. "Please, don't kill me." I begged. "I won't kill you!" said Ellen and put my hand on her chest. I heard her heart and her skin was warm. "It is you." I replied and hugged her. "I'd never hurt you." she said and kisssd the top of my head.


Mom looked at our home and I smiled. "I've surprise for you." I said and unlocked the door. "Dad, Oliver." I called. "What is it sweetie?" asked dad and went up to us. Then they saw each other and mom's eyes were filled with tears. She hugged dad and tears of joy were rolling down her cheeks. They kissed and she smiled happily.


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"Mom." said Oliver and she hugged her son. "We thought we would never see you again." said Oliver. "I thought my life was over after the horrible day." replied Ellen and shuddered. "It's over now mom." I said. She hugged us and smiled. "My beloved children." she replied. "We're a family again." said Oliver.

Oliver and Olivia's mom is back and I'm glad they are a family again.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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