The new Queen of Transylvania

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Victoria's: POV

I walked into the castle and everyone bowed. I was wearing a necklace that grandpa had given me.

(Victoria's necklace)

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(Victoria's necklace)

"Welcome Victoria." said Emma. "Thank you." I replied. "You will wear your name with pride." she said. "Come sister." replied a blonde woman. She took my hand and led me to the throne.

"The new Queen of Transylvania." said Cassandra and put a crown on my head. They bowed for me again.

(Victoria is the new Queen)

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(Victoria is the new Queen)

"We have a little surprise to you." replied Regina. The door opened and in came a man and he looked frightened at me. "Bow in front of your Queen." she said coldly. "Who are you?" he asked. "My name is Victoria Tepes, daugther of Dracula." I said. "God have mercy on my soul." replied Johnny.

"We show no mercy." I said coldly. "Can we bite him, your Ladyship?" asked Sophia. "He looks very delicious." said Emma and licked her lips. "Have patience." I replied strictly "Please, we haven't felt the taste of fresh blood in a long time." she said. "Take him to the dungeon." I ordered. The women smiled evilly and draggad him away. His scream echoed throughout the castle.


Later in the day came a princess to my castle. She presented himself as Eva and she came from a royal vampire family. I must say that she's very beautiful.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." she said. "You're welcome to stay here." I replied. "Thank you, my Lady." said Eva. "Please, call me Victoria." I replied. She went down on her knee and opened a box with a diamond ring. "I know we are meant for each other and and I would like to spend the rest of my immortal life with you. Will you marry me?" she asked. "Yes." I said.

The necklace control Victoria

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The necklace control Victoria.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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