I forgive you

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Adam's: POV

I drove fast to the hospital and went in. "What can I help you with?" asked a woman kindly. "I'm here to see my friend Oliver." I said. "He's in room 7 on the second floor." she replied. I thanked her and took the lift up.

"Can I see Oliver?" I asked when a nurse came up to me. "Follow me." she said and we went into a room. I had to muffled my scream when I saw him. He had a large bandage around his stomach and his arms were broken.

There was bruising everywhere and his mouth was swollen. I sat down on a chair next to the bed and I took his hand in mine. My dead heart breaks for him. I was holding his hand. I don't hate Noah for taking Oliver away from me. I hate myself for leaving him. I never meant to hurt Oliver. He'll never forgive me.


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"Adam." said Oliver weakly. "Shhh, I'm here." I replied calmly. "I forgive you." he said. "Thank you." I replied and he smiled.

"I'm ready." he said. "For what?" I asked. "To become a vampire." said Oliver. "I thought you didn't want to." I replied. "I won't survive the night." he said. I bit him and fed him with my blood. I held his hand when his heart stopped beating. I kissed him on his cold forehead and patted his cheek.


I sat on his bed and stroked his cheek. Oliver opened his eyes and looked confused around. I gave him a cup and he drank the blood. "I didn't think it would taste so good." he said and I laughed. "We can't stand sun, garlic, cross or holy water. We have no reflection or shadow. Red roses wilt when a vampire is near. We have to be invited. We can we turn ourselves into bats." I said. "I understand." replied Oliver. "You'll be an amazing vampire." I said. "Thanks." he replied.

Oliver is a vampire now

I hope you liked the chapter


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