The new guy

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Katerina's: POV

"Today we have a new student here." said Beatrice. The door opened and in came a boy and he was wearing a blue jacket. He had dark hair, crystal blue eyes and piercings.

"This is Cameron Stewart and he has moved from Alaska with his dad to Edinburgh. Be nice to him." said Beatrice.

(Cameron Stewart)

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(Cameron Stewart)

"You can sit next to Katerina." she said and he nodded. Our eyes met and my heart would have beating faster, if I hadn't been dead. He sat down on the chair and Beatrice continued to talk. "I've always wanted to visit Alaska." I said. "It's beautiful." replied Cameron with a smile on his face. "I bet it is." I said. "Katerina, no talking during class." replied Beatrice. "Sorry." I said. "Cool name." whispered Cam low. "Thanks, my family is from Romania." I whispered back.


"I forgot my eyeliner pencil in the restroom." I said when it was break. "I help you." replied Cameron and we went to the restroom. I can't find your..." started Cameron but was cut off when I pressed my lips against his lips. I broke the kiss when I realized what I have done. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it." I said. "I love it." replied Cameron and kissed me again. We went out again and Nessie came up to us. "You two are so cute together." she said. "Thank you." we both replied. "I'm happy for you." she said. "Thanks." I replied. Vanessa nodded and left us. "Who was she?" asked Cameron. "My twin sister." I said.


Jonathan's: POV

I was in Oliver's room and I sat by the window. I looked at the rain and sighed. The door opened and Oliver came in. "Can I tell a secret?" I asked. "Sure." said Oliver. "I want to be a girl." I replied. "I'll always support you." he said. "Thank you, it menas a lot to me." I replied.

Thank you glambertyaddybear for being in my book

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Thank you glambertyaddybear for being in my book

Oliver is so supportive

I hope you liked the chapter.


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