Why are you here

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Adam's: POV

"It's good to see you again." said Nicolas. "I wish I could say the same thing about you." I replied. "Don't be so mean to your father." he said. "You cheated on mother with another woman. Then you arranged my marriage with Vlad to cover up the scandal." I replied coldly. "I had to." said Nicolas. I took a deep breath to calm down. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"I've heard rumors that you've a breather boyfriend." he said. I froze. "I'd never date a breather." I replied. "For your sake, I hope it's true, our family tree doesn't need more dirty blood." said Nicolas. I sighed quietly. Then he saw Renfield. "Take my bags to the guest coffin." said father and threw his bags at him. Renfield walked away. Can someone wake me up from this terrible nightmare?

"It's been a long journey and I'm thirsty." he said. I gave him a blood bag. "Do you call this blood? it's disgusting." he said. "We have to keep a low profile." I replied. "You have been around breathers to long. You are a useless vampire and I am so disappointed." said father and walked away. "I'm sorry." I replied.


Katerina's: POV

Vanessa and I came back home after a hunt. We found dad in the living room. We saw something was wrong.

"Dad, is everything alright?" I asked worried. "Father is right, vampires and breathers are not meant to be together." I said. "Don't listen to him." replied Vanessa. "He's just a old stupid man." I said. "What if I lose control and kill Oliver? it's too dangerous for us to be together." replied Adam. "Dad..." I started, but he cut me off. "I need some air." he said. He turned himself into a bat and flew out of the window.

Adam begins to doubt his love for Oliver

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Adam begins to doubt his love for Oliver

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