The cure

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Adam's: POV

I was at the bar and I drank when the door opened. "Hey Klaus." I said. "Hello Adam." he said with a smile on my face. "I need your help, Vanessa has been bitten by a werewolf and she's dying." I replied. "You're looking for a cure and you have found the cure." he said. "Please Klaus, can you save her?" I asked. He poured his blood into a small bottle and gave it to dad. "Thank you so much." I replied.


I rushed upstairs and dripping the blood in her mouth. "Please wake up, don't leave me." I said and held her hand. Suddlenly she opened her eyes and looked at us.


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"Dad." she replied happily and hugged me. "Oh my dear Vanessa, I thought I had lost you." I said and hugged her back. "I'll never leave you, I will always be at your side." she replied and wiped away the tears. "Come, time to go home, Oliver have been so worried." I said and we walked down. I thanked John and Felix for all help before we left.

We had a contest to see who could get home quickly and I let Vanessa win. When we came in she got many hugs, and questions. "I'm fine now." she said. "Oh my dear Nessie." replied Oliver and hugged her. "Vanessa." said Luna and hugged her. "Hello sweetie." she replied. "I've missed you." she said. "I've missed you too." replied Nessie.


Hermione's: POV

I returned back to the castle later in the evening. I walked to Vladimir'a room and he slept deeply. "This is for my family." I said and stabbed him with an wodden stake. His skin turned gray and he was dead. I went home with a smile on my face. We would finally get our freedom.

Thank you glambertyaddybear for being in my book

Vanessa is cured

I hope you liked the chapter


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