We'll find a cure

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Adam's: POV

It was a knock on the door. I rushed inhuman speed to open. Outside stood a man and anxiety and panic reflected in his blue eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked worried. "Vanessa has been bitten by a werewolf, I took her to my home." he said. I wrote a letter to Oliver and followed him. "I know you and your daughter are vampires." he said while he drove.

"What are you?" I asked. "Me and my husband are warlocks." said John. A man with purple hair met us in the doorway. "Come in." he replied friendly, and I walked into the house. They showed me the room. In a bed lay my daughter. She was deathly pale and the sweat ran down her face. I noticed a hideous wound on her arm.

I sat down at the bed and took her hand in mine. "I-I couldn't protect me." she said weakly. "Shhh, you will be okay, we'll find a cure." I replied and patted her cheek. "I don't want to die." said Vanessa sadly. "You'll not die honey." I replied softly, but I couldn't hold back the tears. She gave me a smile and fell asleep. I walked down again and Felix handed me a glass with blood. "To calm the nerves." he said. I emptied the glass and sighed. "Vanessa must stay here and she's not allowed to have any contact with humans. She'll begin hallucinations, and then it becomes dangerous for living souls." replied John. "I understand, but I have to go back home, I'll be right back." I said, and ran home.


Oliver was awake, and I told him the whole situation. "Will she survive?" he asked. "We have to find a cure, and it won't be easy." I said and packed down stuff in my suitcase. "Take care of Luna while I'm gone." I said. "I promise." replied Oliver and kissed me. "Love you." I said and drove back to Alec's house. I got a room near Vanessa and she was still asleep. I made up a fire to keep her warm.

Poor Vanessa and Adam

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Poor Vanessa and Adam. I hope they'll find a cure for her.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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